The greatest drives of rallying’s Group B era
Ari Vatanen 1985 Monte-Carlo: 1st Comebacks don’t get bigger than this. Going up against Walter Röhrl in the mountains above Monte Carlo was usually a fruitless endeavour, as the Audi…
A further proof of the much increased speed and reliability of the British motor-cycle may be found hi the records established by E. Nott on a 500 c.c. RudgeWhitworth, at Brooklands track. Nott covered 200 miles in under two hours—to be exact, 1 hour 59 nuns. 43 secs.—and thereby broke the world’s records for 200 miles and two hours in three classes, 500, 750 and 1,000 c.c. By doing so, he secured the Buckley Cup, offered for the first motor-cyclist to do 200 miles in two hours. It is interesting to note that he beat the record for machines of double the size by several miles per hour.
It may be questioned if these performances are of any practical value to motor-cyclists. The answer is that the experience gained is incorporated, where possible, in the production machines, and that these thus become faster and moie reliable. Also, if intelligently driven —and the careless driver is always a danger to himself and the community—they are safer, since on a fast machine a high average can be maintained without speeding over dangerous sections.