The Editor's Showtime Soliloquy
The Editor's Showtime Soliloquy THE Birmingham Motor Show has excelled itself again, more central than Earls Court, easier to park at, and full of the most exciting new models in…
1928 Levis Machines.
One of the most interesting of the Levis range of machines for 1928 is the All-Weather Model ” M de Luxe,” which will be one of the few machines at the Motor Cycle Show wherein serious attempts to provide efficient weather-proofing have been made. The specification includes a dynamo lighting set, horn, licence holder, spring seat saddle, footboards and legshields and its retail price is but £38 15s. The engine, which has a bore and stroke of 67 x 70 mm. and cubic capacity of 247 c.c. is an air-cooled two-stroke, of which type the manufacturers are the pioneers.
The standard Model” M” with various improvements over the 1927 pattern is now listed at £32, the wellknown model” K” which is now in an entirely new form and is known as the” K2″ costing a few pounds more. The sports model” 0″ shows little change, the price of £39 10s. remaining the same.
The only machine of the Levis range which is not a two-stroke is the overhead valve model “A “. The engine of this has a capacity of 346 c.c. and the pushrods and valve gear are enclosed and lubricated by an oil mist from the timing case.