Archive Corvette "Corvette" by Karl Ludvigsen. 324 pp. 8 1/4 in. 9 1/2 in. (Automobile Quarterly Publications, Princetaten, New Jersey, USA. 20.95 dollars.) Here is the full story of what the sub-title… September 1976 Issue By Bill Boddy
Archive 1960 Goodwood Easter Monday meeting: You were there Give me Goodwood on an Easter day… Some 55,000 people came to the Sussex track for this opening 1960 meet. Colin Weston was there too, capturing all the action Send us your… July 2021 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive Buy British Sir, I have been reading Motor Sport now for many years and must congratulate you on producing a first-rate publication for the true enthusiast. One is saddened to hear so… June 1974 Issue By C. H. C Davis
Archive Pushed by the wheels of industry The government has recognised the UK motor sport industry’s plans to boost the number of young engineers From June 30 to July 8 this year the Motor Sports Association (MSA)… June 2012 Issue By Ed Foster