Martini Lancia Delta's new 24-hour record
It would be a pity if the once flourishing pursuit of records became moribund, suit is good to learn that a Pirelli-shed Martini Lancia Delta HF Turbo saloon has set…
The Aster Engineering Co., Ltd., of Wembley, Middlesex, are making, this year, a sports model of their well-known six-cylinder 20-25 h.p. chassis, which excited so much interest on the first occasion on which it was shown at Olympia. It has an engine of 73 min. and 115 mm. bore and stroke, the cylinders being cast en bloc. Special care has been taken in the design of the cylinder head, so that the ” turbulence ” of the gases shall be at a maximum, and to that end a small pocket is formed at the side of the combustion chamber. The inlet valve is above this pocket, and the exhaust above the centre of the cylinder, so that the gases on entering are given a whirling motion. The engine embodies a Lanchester vibration damper : the gear box affords four speeds, and the rear axle is spiral-bevel driven. Four-wheel brakes are fitted, with servo mechanism to those in the front wheels, and a feature is the provision, for adjusting them while the car is actually running. The prices of all Aster models have been considerably reduced, and the sports, which is stated to be capable of a speed of 70-75 m.p.h., costs
785 complete.