CONTINENTAL NOTES. Pierre de Viseaya Killed. THE name of Pierre de Viscaya is well known to readers of Mo'roR SPORT for his exploits as a member of the official Bugatti…
Many thanks for mentioning my British Salmson book project in V-E-V Miscellany. I enjoyed the article on speed guarantees — the British Salmson company guaranteed 70 m.p.h. for the S4C 12 h.p. saloon and the S4D 14 h.p. saloon, 80 m.p.h. for the 12 h.p. S4C 2and 4-seater sports tourers, and 90 m.p.h. for the 20-90 sports 2-seater and sports saloon. I am enclosing herewith a copy of a letter from the company to a customer who evidently didn’t have a heavy enough right foot! It is pleasing that they made use of Brooldands track when the occasion warranted it! It would appear that this particular car was rather hard-pressed to achieve its guaranteed speed (it was a 12-70 h.p. 4-seater tourer) although other models could reach 85. The whole of the British Salmson car was guaranteed for two years, and the cylinder bores were guaranteed for 40,000 miles before reboring was necessary (but trouble was frequently experienced before this mileage!).
c L. Ineledon. Es, Southward.
rftZ.111/1111. lone hd. 1937