Around and about, December 1988
Prequalifying for 1989 Grands Prix With a handful of extra teams hoping to compete in Grand Prix racing next year, and regulations enforcing all entrants to run two cars and…
‘f I fur I c7,!lirdn. , 174: c r: I We note your remarks in the last two paragraphi of your letter “t 71:1 ic:111;yo.theurim r , re eived by us it was 5CD1 ‘Elrooklanus,”witnout ‘any adjustments whatsoever having been efTwed. and woh tom people up it covered a flying mile at a speed of 79.68 m.p.h. and a lap was eoeereel at 76.62 m.p.h After haying effect. eat= adt.tmenti and generally tuning the engine, the was again taken to Brooklands Vliirrdate= Vett:1•111Zo’fralle:t= Lofty. Brookland! Motor Course. It is our contentton.therefore, under:Lusi:gujiri:uura’rnilble to lorimal’=1`..”7.17.:T”‘ Y ENcims un, W Martineau. Dime),