Have you written to your MP?


I wonder how many of your readers are aware that the 50 m.p.h. and 60 m.p.h. speed limits, currently in force on non-motorway roads, are due for review in Parliament in November? And I wonder how many have taken any kind of action to persuade their Members of Parliament to vote against their continuation?

I have written to my MP seeking the withdrawal of the 50 and 60 limits, and urging him to press for the abolition of the 70 limit on motorways. My grounds are that all of these limits are now no longer necessary, since the fuel crisis is a year past, and the limits are counter-productive in that they extend journey times without reason. Since business mileage accounts for the great majority of vehicle mileage, it is reasonable to argue that they are counter-productive because time taken driving is time lost to useful purpose. A fine practical example of how ludicrous these limits are is the A2/M2 route through Kent, where a three lane, 60 m.p.h., road runs into a two-lane, 70 m.p.h., motorway, resulting in drastically reduced traffic speeds because the off-side lane of the motorway is cluttered with heavy trucks! Which brings me to another point . . .

Is it not high time that our motorways were the subject of better control? For example, traffic flows would be considerably improved if all goods and public service type vehicles (from mini-vans and mini-coaches to 32 tonners and 70 seaters) were banned from using the off-side lanes of all motorways. They would also be improved if the Police were more responsible in their imposition of emergency limits, instead of putting up limits for hazards and leaving thetn up long after the hazards have gone, to the frustration of all!

Let us remember that speed does not kill— only its misuse kills. Those who would misuse speed without limits will do so with them!

Sutton Coldfield. DAVID G. STYLES