A sore loser
Why Damon Hill will emerge wiser, and stronger, from this year's fight for the title Another season almost over, another championship lost. By Damon Hill's own admission, Michael Schumacher's victory…
Poor AA Service
There has been some correspondence it’ the Press recently relating to AA membership. Possibly my own experience with the AA may interest your readers.
My membemhip was due to expire during the course of my annual hdliday last year, and as I was to travel abroad under their “5-Star” Scheme, I made sure all would be we)! by renewing my subscription some three weeks in advance of the due date. The cheque was sent off, together with this explanation. Some two months later, in November, I received a letter to say that my sub. was now overdue. I replied, reminding them of my payment in advance of the due date. No reply. A further reminder was received, saying that the sub, was now much overdue; would I please remit within seven days. I now replied heatedly, with the same tale, specifically asking for acknowledgment. No reply. I now sent a letter, stating that my Bank reported that the cheque had been presented by the AA, and honoured, right days after it was drawn by me. Still no reply. To add insult to injury, in June this year I received a letter ‘stating that as a “lapsed member”, I was being offered the chance to
a-join the AA at a reduced subscription. I again replied, giving all the facts, pleading with them for just one letter in acknowledgment to all mine. So far, no repily.
In the previous year I made the only claim in 11 years of “5-Star” travel, for £70.00 for a lost suitcase. My claims were ignored, until I threatened legal action 13 months later. What confidence can there be in such an organisation? Thank God I had no accidents abroad—if members are ignored from the distance of Sussex, what hope when stranded in Europe. In my submission, none. Is the RAC any better? Sussex F.B. (Full name and address supplied) [The Assistant Editor reports that he has had similarly confused service from the AA and his handbooks for the last two years have failed to materialise.—Edd