Talbot Servicing Data 14/45, 75 and 90 models

Tappet clearance: Inlet, 0.006 in; exhaust, 0.008 in.—warm.

Firing order: I; 5, 3, 6, 2, 4.

Valve timing: Inlet opens 10 deg. a.t.d.c., closes 50 deg. a.b.d.c.; exhaust opens 52 deg. b.b.d.c., closes 10 deg. a.t.d.c.

Ignition timing (Delco coil): 1 deg. a.t.d.c., retarded. Spark gap, 0.018 in.

Carburetter settings (14/45 with Smith’s 5-jet): Pilot, 16;  No. 1, 20; No. 2, 28; No. 3, 17: No. 4, 8.

Tyre pressures: 14/45 with 4.75-21 tyres, 35-40 lb./sq. in.; 75 with 6-18 tyres, 30-35 lb./sq. in.; 90 with 5.5-19 tyres, 40-45 lb./sq. in.