Max Girardo
The first North American auctions of 2019 took place in Arizona recently. The sale weekend featured the top three classic car auction houses in the world making their way back…
Books from Clymer
A couple of months ago Root es Ltd., arranges! for a party of motoring writers to see Kalanutv, the talented illusionist, perform al the Flip:lair), Park Empire. The -Itigh-light. of this show was 11w vumishing II-Mown Minx, which one moment was dearly visible on the stage :old the next lard disappeared, like I hose 11CW ears at the dealers where you placed !low orskr six years ago. Kalanag imuel his brilliant performance with it minor illusion : from a glass jug which could not have held more than a couple of pints he poured water from India ” frequent intervals., 501150 gallons in all, leaving the magie jug in full view on a glass-topped tattle between times. We were reminded of this ” water from India ” when a bulky package arrived bearing, ” books front Clymer.” for it is almost inconceivable that still more motoring works could have issued from the famous Los Angeles publisher. Yet issue they have ! There is the 1051 version of the ” Indianapolis History,” lavishly illustrated and covering this year’s 500 Mile Race from almost every angle. It is a most attractive purchase (1(12 pages, 1.5 dollars). There is ” Souping tlw Stork Engine ” (188 pages, 2.0 d(1llars) wIdelt naturally deals mainly with American engines, hot which Will tell English. ” hot ters-up •’ simelt of value. It carries power-curyes. details of proprietary speed equipment. including superrhargers, and dirt a litsles. T1 sere are reprints of historie Mereer. Marmon al., and Stutz Series E catalogues and f.w.d. Cord 810-812 and Duesenherg Nbalcl .1 instruetion outlands. •• The Model’s n Chassis ” (II 2 pages, 2.0 dollars). ‘which is by no means erant dote, is an easy and fascinating reforenee to present-duty design in this eategory, with IllaSSes Of 111110 rations Of frames, brakes. shoekabsorbers awl suspension units. Finally. for one posting at all events. Clymer presents (65 pages do/ eonnl ing original ads., 1.5 dollars) a reproduction of the booklet issued hy the E. It. Thomas Nlolor Co. after a Thsaims Flyer had won the 1908 New York to Paris Race, whielt
is a ” most ” for collectors. Clymer is prolific all right I this books are available I rom 1268 Sh. Alvarado, Los Angeles, or, fluhris essuntry, from Stonelnon’s.—W.11.