THE VINTAGE SPORTS-CAR CLUB Sir, The Vintage Sports Car Club appreciate the references which you make to the Club in your magazine, but in your January issue you publish, on…
Once again Dunlop have risi•ii to a racing occasion and nut& special Elektron disc wheels for 500-‘.e. cars. The first ” 500″ to be equipped with them is Denis Flathees Tillie Flash. These wheels do not incorporate brake drums and bolt on to six studs. They are in two sizes, 2.5 l’y 15 and 3.5 by 15, taking, respeetively, 4.00 or 4.25 and 5.00 or 5.25 tyres. The larger size weighs; only
lb., and costs .£9 7s. 01. These lightweight wheels will greatly enhance the performance and roaciltolding of British Formula 111 cars.