Vintage cars and the EEC
Sir, The Chairman of the Historic Vehicles Clubs Joint Committee wrote on this subject in your May issue. While I do not doubt that he understands very well what is…
Sir, As no doubt you are well aware, the old 2-seater Jowetts, pre-7926, had the following excellent features :— High geared steering and line lock ; most surprising cornering (they would slide happily on a dry road, given a spot of (lust), but, nevertheless, good springing for naigh going ; a right-hand stub gear lever, eXtvliently placed by the driver’s thigh ; a chit( Ii which would stand endless slipping. although most here e (asbestos rope, or some such materiol, on a steel moo xiseful maintained speed
(mine, whi eould not afford to keep in g0e0 fettle, was all out at 43 m.p.h.. but would maintain 38-30 m.p.h. (speedo). indefinitely, she seemed to cruise faster than the small modern car is usually driven) ; 45 50 m.p,g, was usual, and 011 one occasion from Edinburgh to Manchester 63 m.p.g. with due use of neutral!: unbelievable pulling power at low rpm.. which gave, with the equally unli(lievatile rear wheel adhesion, aim ;`,11111till11,1V sluw and relentless climb on the easier trie.lstype hills ; good ground clearance : 4.5 to I top ratio and Ihrht weight they had all body and re) unneces,:nry gati;.TI!.; and weighed 9 cwt.. I believe : everything was firmly fixed, rattles rarely developing ; there was a fold-forward sen, en and the hood mold be raised :Aid lowercd by the driver while in motion : the radiator was lower than in later models ; the body ‘‘ as occasionally !minted racing green.
The engine lay between the ehassis side members and had to be rotated on its Ion!, axis, or removed, for decarlyinisation.
I am no meehanic, but I believe that the valve guides were integral with the cylinder and the cylinder head was not detachable. These last points were most annoying, but otherwise everything was most accessible.
It has always been a puzzle to me to know why the impecunious make so little use of these ears. Probably, I suppose, because they are rare and ugly.
I have a catalogue, not by me here, in which the makers boast of most of the points I mention and give details of ground clearance, etc. (and even state the depth of water fordable). I am, Yours etc.,
T. S. S. Grimsby, Lines,