Another new Grand Prix car
The de Tomaso Making a brief appearance during practice for the Italian Grand Prix was the latest car from the small factory in Modena run by Alessandro de Tomaso. This Argentinian…
This Club is carrying on for the duration. We are holding informal meetings every week in members’ rooms to “talk cars,” refresh our memories and ourselves. All the motoring magazines are available in, the secretary’s rooms, where all members are welcome at any time.
A dinner is being held on Saturday, November 30th, in the Red Lion Hotel, Cambridge. Tickets are obtainable from the secretary at 8/6, and 10/- for non-members. All those interested in motoring and motor-cycling sport, including members of H. M. Forces temporarily in Cambridge, are welcome. Owing to printing and paper difficulties, a general circular is not being sent to veteran members, but the secretary will be glad to see anyone who is in Cambridge at any time, and it is hoped that all who can will come to the dinner.
I am, Yours etc., J. B. JESTY
Hon. Secretary.