Fragments on forgotten makes
No. 31—The Gordon According to "Doyle," the Gordon came into being in 1912. It may have gone into production in that year, but Mr. Gordon Armstrong, whose prodigy it was,…
Motor sport has a firm following in the Channel Islands, and a race meeting was recently held at St. Ouens, Jersey, blessed by the title of the Jersey Grand Prix. An interesting course was plotted, in eluding the usual two hairpins and a new S-bend on the landward “straight.” Twelve sportsmen turned up for the fray, mounted on widely differing machines. The driving was good throughout the race, and after an hour and a quarter’s good sport the following result was obtained :—
1. W. Willmott (Morgan), lhr. 9m.
2. E. Doghove (Buick), thr. 15m. 3, N. V. Oxenden (Morgan), 1hr. 12m. 30s.