Cheever masters weather
Eddie Cheever kept it together in the gloom and rain to win the Silverstone GPM race Even the weather was as it so often used to be, Silverstone awakening on…
Further evidence of Signor Mussolini’s keen interest in fast motoring is provided by the official opening this month of the new Padua Venice motor road which has reduced the road distance between the two cities by more than twenty miles. The new motor road is another link in
the system of roads reserved for fast motor traffic and joining all the principal cities of Northern Italy from Turin in the West to Fiume in the East. The Turin-Milan and Milan-Bergamo-Brescia sections are completed. Work is proceeding on the connecting links, Brescia-Verona and Verona-Padua.
The Turin-Milan-Venice-Trieste-Fiume motor road will provide a clear stretch of 450 miles—slightly more than the distance from London to Edinburgh—with few side turnings, no level crossings and broad, sweeping curves giving a minimum visibility of a quarter of a mile ahead and, above all, a perfect surface.