The current profile
Still they come—these two-bob car "Profiles," edited by Anthony Harding. No. 17 covers the 40/50 Napier, by Ronald Barker. Although so little is known about the origins of this interesting…
? NEGOTIATIONS are in progress for the making of a series of travel pictures of the continental waterways using a speed dinghy. Perhaps this will do something to revive the spirits of our rather outboard
our rather depressed outboard industry. CARTOON.
THE space occupied by this paragraph should be devoted to an extremely funny cartoon on the subject of the Harmsworth Trophy. The.Law being what is is, however, we are unable to publish it.
(Overheard in a Richmond Pub.)
” I bet you five bob I can start my motor on the third pull, 9 times out of 10. It won’t run, mind you ; but I can start it.”
THOSE of us who have seen the British travel film, “Northern Lights” will have noticed the prominence given to the part played by the outboard motor. This is good ; but why, in the name of all that rotates, was it not a British one ? A member of our staff has
at one time been through 11 miles of sheet Ice with a British motor and it proved itself ideal for this sort of thing. A little co-operation needed.
MR. BARRINGTON, who was responsible for the attempted trip round Great Britain in the Golden Hind, states that on one occasion he and his companions spent sixteen hours trying to start their motor. The Golden Bind, it willibe remembered, caught fire at Hove and-was burnt out.