Air: London/Australia - a long race in 1934
Sixty years ago the aviation world was stirred by the presentation of a £500 gold cup and £15,000 in other prizes put up by the Australian chocolate millionaire, Sir MacPherson…
“JUST THE VERY PAPER . . . ” Dear Sirs,
I am writing to express to you my appreciation of your paper” Motor Sport.” Until a fortnight ago I was so unfortunate as to have never seen a copy.
Then, by an extraordinary stroke of good luck, I called in at an hotel on the North Wales Coast, and found there, your so excellent publication. it is to me (an earnest if somewhat amateur follower of motoring sport in all its branches), an absolute godsend. Just the very paper that I have always hoped I would some day find. What I appreciate so particularly is that besides giving your readers detailed accounts of all the leading motoring events, you give full results and accounts of more out of the way and minor competitions—results of which one would never hear but for the details published in ” Motor Sport.”
I can only conclude by saying that I hope I shall continue to be a regular reader of your excellent paper. Yours faithfully,
(Signed) Philip G. Dalby-j ones.