Back home in Indiana
Former Indianapolis 500 winner Gil de Ferran is returning to the city of his greatest triumph to become a sports car team boss – and he’s been lured back into…
the Car that has swept the board
During the seven-years’ life which the Austin Seven’ has up to now enjoyed, no radical chanv of design has been made, because none was necessary. Yet the ‘Seven’ has carried off practically every prize on road and track open to the small car class. The amazing successes of the Austin ‘Seven’ this year have established it still more firmly as the popular favourite amongst small cars.
TIIE AUSTIN MOTOR CO. LTD. LONGIRRIDGE WORKS, IIIIIIMINGHAM II On August 17, by gaining 3rd and 4th places in the qOn October 12, in the Brooklands 500-mile race, an 4] On July 12, at Dublin, it was class winner in the Irish 41 On August 7-11 a team of German-built Austin Sevens Service Station and Showrooms : HOLLAND PARK HALL, W.11
speed of over 80 miles an hour.
national Alpine Trial, covering 1,650 miles, which Gotthard Passes.
the most powerful cars in the world, the ‘Seven’ showed its tremendous stamina and reliability and worthily upheld the prestige of British engineering.
included the Stelvio, the St. Bernard and the St. Austin ‘Seven’ was winner in Class 1 at an average TOURER Ulster T.T. against fierce competition from some of METAL SALOON £140
Grand Prix, at an average speed of over 60 m.p.h. carried off the Gold Cup as team winners in the Inter
Showrooms: 479-483, OXFORD STREET, W.1 Also Service Station for the Austin ‘Seven.’ £130 FABRIC TWO-SEATER £130 FABRIC SALOON £140 COUPE £140 Read die AUSTIN MAGAZINE Every Mondi