Sir, On reading July's Motor Sport, I noticed a portion of column space titled "Noise". I found the subject matter within this column somewhat infuriating. Surely, part of the attraction…
WHEN the engine begins to hesitate before you reach the stiff part of the hill, it is time to change—and when you fill up next time change your petrol too! More than often it is the use of the wrong motor spirit which occasions that uncomfortable loss of power on even slight Inclines.
Why not follow the example of other experienced motorists and use R.0 P.? Engines like R.O.P. It increases their stamina. It is power giving food which puts them in a humour to negotiate the trickiest gradient and most exhausting traffic work without
a grumble. R.O.P. (Russian Oil Products) comes from the vicinity of Baku which is acknowledged to be the richest oilproducing centre in the world. The crude oil from these oilfields passes through the most exacting of scientific refininp processes.
R.O.P: costs you less per gallon and gives you more miles and greater power. Try it–and you will notice ths difference from the moment you put your foot on the starter.