EDITORIAL NOTES, November 1925


About this time last year we were often asked what would happen to our journal during the closed period at Brooklands, but it is now becoming recognised that MOTOR SPORT has a far wider appeal than that which centres around the track. Whilst the racing man retires to his workshop to build new models or reconstruct old favourites, the competition enthusiast keeps his flag flying right through the winter months.

Who can say to what extent the winter competition driver has not been responsible for the perfecting of the all-weather touring body as we know it to-day ? Well, here’s to winter motoring ! And may we all profit from our experiences in coming contests with the elements.

Even if it should happen that new figures are set up for the Twenty-four Hours’ World’s Record, we are glad to offer OUT readers some very interesting information from the pen of Capt. J. F. Duff concerning the splendid performance on his Bentley. Mr. Woolf Barnato, who assisted in this achievement, forms the subject of the Motoring Sportsmen interview in this issue.

“The ioo per cent. Sporting Journal” is a slogan, descriptive of MOTOR SPORT, which has been suggested by a reader in India. At all events, it expresses the feeling, held by the majority of our readers, that our pages should be actually devoted to purely sporting matters. Look through this issue and tell us what you think !