ABINGDON. Stand 74.
An interesting exhibit on this stand is the exceedingly attractive lightweight model which has been added to the Abingdon range for 1925, and of which two examples are shown. This machine weighs only 195 lbs. complete and is termed a 21. h.p. Space will not permit of a full description being given at the moment, but the following points are worthy of note :
The mainshaft rotates on ball bearings, the big end bearing being of the same type ; three flywheels are provided, two within the crank case and one outside ; the transmission is all chain, the driving sprocket being mounted on the outside flywheel, whence it is easily detachable ; side valves are used, these being of large size and made from a special alloy. The timing gear is of a simple type, and the large diameter tappets have phosphor-bronze guides. Both front and rear chain transmissions are provided with neat one-piece guards, and a threespeed Sturmey-Archer gear has been standardised, with clutch, kick-starter and shock absorber. Front and rear brakes are of the internal expanding variety and are hand and foot operated respectively. Abingdon Works, Ltd., King’s Road, Tyseley, Birmingham.
A. J. S. Stand 106.
For next season A.J.S. machines are to consist of the 7 h.p. De Luxe Passenger Combination Model F. i, with full electrical equipment ; the 7 h.p. Combination Model ri.2, which is a less elaborate edition of the foregoing ; the 2f h.p. De Luxe Solo Touring Model E.3 ; the 2i h.p. De Luxe Sporting Model E.4 ; the Standard Sport Model E.5 ; and the Overhead Valve 21 h.p. Model E.6. A comprehensive range of these machines is exhibited. at Olympia and it is worthy of note that the 7 h.p. Twin, which is usually listed as complete with sidecar, is shown as a solo mount. We are advised that this is done because there is such an extensive demand for it as a solo machine from overseas riders. The 21 h.p. Model E.3 is shown both as a solo mount and fitted with the A.J.S. light touring sidecar complete with dynamo lighting set and all accessories. There is one example of the De Luxe Sporting Model E.4, and another of the Standard E.5 with side by side valve engines.
Finally there are two of the well known overhead valve Models E.6, one as a solo mount and the other equipped with light aluminium sports sidecar. The prices are : 7.99 h.p. De Luxe Combination, with dynamo lighting and electric horn, Lx5; the 7.99 Standard Passenger