Archive Lloyds & Scottish Historic Car Championship The entry for the second round of this championship at the AMOC's St. John Horsfall Silverstone meeting at the end of June was so strong that the single-seater racing cars… August 1981 Issue By Motor Sport
Archive A testing session with the Dealer Team Vauxhall Chevette HS2300 A record that comprises two International rally wins well within the first year of competition is a record any manufacturer would be justly pleased with. Who the team goes under… November 1977 Issue By Jeremy Walton
Archive COMPLETE LIST OF COMPETITORS COMPLETE LIST,OF COMPETITORS Group I (Open cars im to 8 h.p.) Blackpool.-B. A. Hobson (M.G.) Bristol.-P. Plunkett (M.G.). Glasgow.-C. 0. Grant (M.G.); G. S. Scott (Austin). London.-Miss M. J. Dobson,… March 1936 Issue By admin
Archive Jaguars and Amazing Engine Transformations The countryside around a motor manufacturing plant often sprouts as many conversions specialists as it does mangelwurzels, or will "outraged of Ockley" write to tell me they do not grow… April 1972 Issue By admin