Plans of attack


In Matters of Moment, ‘Crystal Palace Heritage Under Threat’ (April 2001), I read that Bromley Council is planning to return the park to a condition mirroring its state in Victorian times. This would presumably remove any meaningful remains of the motor-racing circuit.

Of greater concern, bearing in mind the efforts of Brooklands Museum Trust and the Brooklands Society, are the recent planning applications that could detrimentally affect the setting of Brooklands Museum. Brooklands still manages to retain its unique character which is a tribute to Hugh Locke King, the originator, and Brooklands Museum Trust Ltd who, over the past years, have carried out much sensitive restoration work.

It would be most regrettable to consider that this character could be diminished by a development of siting, scale and massing that compromises Brooklands.


Paul Gibbons, Bewdley, Worcs