Historic Grand Prix Cars
THE whole history of British Racing Motors (BRM) is one fraught with frustration and drama and one could rightly say that "never was so much effort expended for so little…
You think the title’s gauche? Just wait until you read the text… It has been translated from original Italian prose, but all too often it reads as though the task was undertaken by Martians.
For all that, this glossy Grand Prix annual is still worth having, if only for the photography, which provides tribute to Amaduzzi’s considerable wit and imagination. His work is enhanced by the high quality of the colour reproduction, though the layout is a touch peculiar in places.
Despite the textual shortcomings, the inclusion of all the usual pedant-pleasing trivia (results, grid positions, fastest laps and so on) means that it has a certain value as a reference work. In the main, however, it will appeal to those with an eye for good photo graphy. S A