On Some Post WarProphecies NATV-RALLY, everyone who is hastening victory, in the air, on or under the water, in the army, in the factory or in one of the numerous…
P4 Rovers
With reference to recent correspondence and editorial comment, may I put forward my own solution to the problem of securing satisfying motoring in these dismal times? I get a great deal of pleasure from driving in silence and comfort in a Rover P4, a 1963 95, to be precise. It cruises happily at either 50 or 70 m.p.h. and returns 24 m.p.g.—not bad for a 2.64itre engine pulling 30 cwt. without the aid of overdrive (not available on the 95). The handling needs enough skill to take the boredom out of the 50 m.p.h. speed-limit, but when the need arises high average speeds can be maintained without fuss. With all this goes excellent reliability and the sort of quality engineering which makes maintenance a joy. In short, a firstclass motor car.
I fully endorse the suggestion of Mr. Sykes of Huddersfield that a P4 club should be formed and would very much like to hear from him or any other Rover enthusiast in this regard. Please accept my thanks and continued good wishes for an excellent magazine. Leeds RICHARD N. BRYANT