Club News, June 1955
Alvis 12/50 Register The Esso House Rally and Driving Tests, open by invitation to the Humber and Sunbeam S.T.D. Registers, took place on April 24th, with an entry of 46…
IT HAD TO HAPPEN !— 2 1..V. -ver=ii,k AUSTIN SE7EN
I turn eagerly awaiting your interim report on the ARM-Minor. and I shall be interested to bear how your experienee eompares with my own. Like yon. I also tend to judge a car by Continental slim’dards, as our last rar Wain at 2 …v. Citroru tosreltased in April 1055. V’e had at trial run in a Nlitti-littor in September last. 411111 oureill:e11 all Austin S.4,7en with at nominal mileage in November because our Seal %ells impatient to own u he 2 v.v. The majority of or jourtwys are short, ferrying to and from the station for myself. shot-mirea in the village or Illy wile. and the mea,. al visit to the V est End IIf Condom The 4ril.-,■■;11 covered
42.000 miles in this We Ill/01111rd 0:01111;1/e l’At Wile, to the gallon of ” cooking ” petrol from the 315,..c. Comparison with this ligaire is on the debit side now. for we are lucky to get ill miles front .1 gallott of bet ter grade petrol. 1 IIIP11