I tun a regular reader of MOTOR Sroar and I think, and so do my friends, that it. is by far the best magazine published.
I am sixteen years of age (0, for my next birthday !) and I am a great enthusiast. I own a 250 c.c. two-stroke Douglas-engitted car in which speeds of over 30 m.p.h. can be obtained. It possesses no springs and it can therefore eorner at practically any speed. I also own a 1929 490-e.e. Raleigh motorcycle which gives me a lot of ion, the last exciting moment being when it caught fire when I was travelling at. about 80 m.p.h.
I also drive a 1912 45/50-h.p. RollsRoyce ” Silver Ghost ” which belongs to my father. At the moment the car is not in very good condition, but. I think my father intends to overhaul it one day.
Mind you, I don’t drive these vehicles on the public road, but up and down my fat hers private drive so there is no need for a law abiding citizen to panic.
My father owns and drives a 1939 type 500K Mereedes-Benz which has a terrific performance. He also owns a 1944 Handier fitted with a Perkins 1).6 diesel. It has two gearboxes which give eight gear ratios between them. I urn, Yours, etc„
(;odalming. I). G. IDE.