See ya in Libya
I enjoy your photo comparisons of long forgotten racing tracks, but I hadn't realised until I read your profile of Hermann Lang that I used to live on the infield…
As you know the 750 Club originated from a suggestion of mine published in Mount SPORT in February, 1939. Therefore, I have a personal Interest in the well-being of this club. To my knowledge no meeting of the committee has been called for over a year, and many members regard the club as virtually moribund. I know that, at present, there are many difficulties to be overcome, but other clubs are managing to carry on, so I am writing to ask you for an assurance that the 750 Club Is not extinct.
I appreciate that regular meetings in the London area may not be practical just now, but I can see no reason why the club Bulletin has ceased to appear, nor why the circularisation of members for subscriptions, etc., has stopped. If you are too busy to handle these matters I shall be pleased to endeavour to put the club affairs in order and, assisted by F/Lt. Mallock (whose home is in Harrogate), issue an occasional Bulletin. To do this we should need all the Bulletin articles you have in hand, the list of members, the duplicating machine, and access to club funds.
I do hope you will be able either to assure me that the club will continue to be run by yourself, or that you will enable F/Lt. Mallock and myself to carry on as suggested above. I propose to publish a copy of this letter in the May issue of MOTOR SPORT, and I hope that I shall be able to append a favourable reply from you ; I am also sending a copy to as many committeemen as I can contact. Yours sincerely,
(Signed) V. BODDY.
20th March, 1945. .