McLaren vs Ferrari in humdinger hypercar showdown
Fifty years ago McLaren and Ferrari were battling it out on the track as Emerson Fittipaldi and his rival Clay Regazzoni chased the 1974 Formula 1 World Championship. Fast forward…
AT Lake Garda, this year, there will be nine American pilots including . Miss Turnbull, and probably three from England.
Tii. will shortly be seen in the suburban cinemas a film entitled ” The Freshman’s Finish.” This is a typical American comedy, dealing with outboard racing. The hero, as usual, is kidnapped on the eve of a big race meeting, and his boat rendered somewhat unseaworthy. He escapes at the last minute and wins the race with his motor fixed on a bath tub. When will the first real motor boat film be produced ?
ANeye witness of the race for the Colonel Green trophy, at Miami says that the double-faced clock was faked so that all the competitors not “in the know” went over the line too soon, including of course, Harrison.
During the race the hands were, apparently, re-synchronised, and none of the officials were any the wiser.
lt seems a pity that some of the Americans, reputed to be the most hospitable race in the world, should find it so difficult to behave themselves when an Englishman is racing against them.
VARIOUS methods of dealing with the outboard crisis have been suggested but one of the soundest seems to be the forming of a “National Outboard Association” with branches in various parts of the country, taking:the place of the existing clubs. Racing would then be controlled from a central body while fixtures and so forth could berarranged for the general benefit. It certainly seems a good idea.