Famous five? McLaren prepares to broaden its motor racing attack. . . McLaren is charting a course to join Porsche and Ferrari, the 'greats’ in endurance racing, with a fleet…
THE history of motor racing has been marked throughout by the series of struggles to possess that most coveted record-the Hour. The reason is that it is probably the most difficult of all to prepare for correctly, and when ready, to drive successfully.
In sprint records, and even those up to 50′ miles and more, the element of reliability is less important than that of speed, and somewhat risky tuning can be used successfully on occasion. In very long distance records, reliability is everything, and the car and driver with sufficient stamina can frequently, by merely keeping going, set up new figures.
The hour is just intermediate, and is very similar to the quarter-mile in the athletic world, in that almost sprint speed must be maintained for the entire distance. A number of drivers have been and still are preparing for attacks on this record, and when Eyston went out for his records Divo, on a 2,300 c.c. Bugatti, had just secured the 50 miles at 130 m.p.h., and the 100 kilometres at 130.14 m.p.h., he was unable, however, to get as far as the hour record. When Divo had finished, Eyston took out the big ” Razor-Blade” Panhard, and on his way to the coveted
hour record which has stood for no less than five years; he broke both Divo’s records and went on to cover 130.73 miles in the hour. The previous record, set up by Marchand on a Voisin was at 128.35 m.p.g. The car was fitted with the normal design of 8-litre Panhard sleeve-valve engine, which makes one still wonder whether this type will become more generally used. The engine speed in this record was only 2,800 r.p.m.
The chief incident of the attempt was the deflation of a rear tyre due to hitting a piece of fencing which had blown onto the track. This record is one of the greatest tests of a driver’s physical endurance of any track event, and Eyston.’s performance is all the more meritorious for this reason, and it is very gratifying that although the car was not British, the driver was. His total bag of records was as follows : WORLD’S RECORDS. (Also Class B Record.)
50 miles 132.01 m.p.h. 100 kilometres 131.8 m.p.h.
100 miles 131.67 m.p.h. 200 kilometres 131.14 m.p.h.
1 hour 130.73 m.p.h.
CLASS B RECORDS ONLY. 50 kilometres 130.79 m.p.h.
The equipment used included Castro]. oil, B.P. Plus petrol, and K.L.G. plugs.