Gerard Wins Again!
Pre-war E.R.A. beats latest Maseratis at Jersey. Raymond Mays (E.R.A.) a gallant third less than fifty seconds behind de Graffenreid's Maserati. Bob Gerard won the Jersey Road Race last Thursday…
THE risk of fire is ever present on any petrol driven machinery, and in a sports car or fast motor boat (quite apart from aircraft) its effects are especially disconcerting. Nearly all fires start at the carburettor, and the first thing to do is to cut off the petrol supply to avoid feeding , the conflagration. The latest .anti-fire device which we have come across
is an ingenious yet simple device for doing this automatically, and without the delay inevitable when it has to be done by hand.
It consists in effect, of a tap fitted in the pipe line near the carburettor, in which the closing of the pipe is done by a valve which is released by the heat of the flame, The flame of a candle is quite sufficient so that the supply is cut off immediately.
It is an extremely simple matter to replace the used valve after a fire, thus rendering it clean and inexpensive, as well as a very useful safeguard to prevent spreading of the flames. It is marketed by Messrs. Brent & Co., Finsbury Pavement House, Moorgate, E.C.2. The price, with spare refills is 13s. 6d., and further refills are supplied free if a fire has occurred.