Book Reviews, April 1966, April 1966
"The German Grand Prix," by Cyril Posthumus. 143 pp., 7/2 1 in. 6 1 in. (Temple Press Books, Bowling Green Lane, London, EC 1. 21s.). This is the third in…
Principal Characteristics
Engine : .traight-eight supercharged, with interchangeable cylinder blocks (size normally used-59 mm. x 76.5 mm.-1,673 c.c.); two valves per cylinder operated by separate overhead camshafts (20 degrees overlap) ; five-bearing crankshaft, tubular steel connecting rods, Martlet aluminium pistons. Bosch magneto, modified W ingfield downdraft carburettor. Blower pressure. 15-25 lbs. per square inch, depending on engine speed and gear ratio ; compression
ratio from 6.8 to 1 to 8 to 1, according to duration of trial. Power at 6,500 r.p.m. 200 h.p. approx.
Transmission : F .W .D. through three-speed gearbox straight-toothed crown wheel and pinion, and two universally-jointed half shafts. Suspension : Front—four quarter elliptics : rear—two semi-elliptics (front and rear axles are tubular). Brakes : One on each rear wheel, and one with separate
drums on each side of front transmission case.