C. 0. A. Guaranteed Repair Service ; perfect workmanship, lowest cost, completion to time.
C.O.A. Quotations Submitted for every form of engine and chassis repair and adjustment (large or small), coachpainting, electro-plating, etc.; Standard charges for decarbonising, valve grinding and brake re-lining, etc. ; cars reconditioned equal to new with 6 months’ guarantee, replated and repainted.
C.O.A. Engineering Representative will call to inspect and estimate by appointment (London Radius).
OAR OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION, Ltd., 91-95. %–/ Manor Street, King’s Road, Chelsea, S.W. Flaxman 3829.
WE hot up all cars. Austin 7’s a speciality. Boyd, Carpenter & Co., Ltd., 47, West End Lane, N.W. Maidavale 4977.