Cars in books, March 1963
I have remarked previously on how references to cars appear in the most unlikely books. But none so unlikely, surely, as Barbara Jones' scholarly work "Follies and Grottoes" (Constable, 1953).…
26 Double Pocket Rabbit Gun. 410-bore, range as yds. Kills rooks, rabbits, rata. price 26s. post free; cash or 0.O.D With detachable shoulder stock, 20s. Now ready, 52-page book of Lips on shooting, netting and trapping. profusely illustrated. Price ad. (half actual costl. Tips, recipes and wrinkles, with hargain prices for everything for the shooter and trapper Writ, to-day. Dept. M.8. CLYDE BELL, Modern Gun House,
40, Windsor Terrace, GLASGOW.