New V8 for Rolls-Royce and Bentley
A new car from the Rolls-Royce Company is always a matter of moment and as this issue closed for Press we received details of a new Rolls-Royce development which is…
The Elto factory, in order to add zest to Outboard Motor Boat Racing, have offered several big cash prizes for the best official time in competitions made with the Super Elto 4-cylinder Quad” ” D ” Class Motor, and the Super Elto Twin Cylinder ” Speedster ” ” B” Class Motor. The grand prize is to be $1,000.00, approximately £200, and will be awarded to the holder of the best official time in races with the Super Elto ” Quad.”
To the second best official time with this model, a prize of $500.00 will be awarded, i.e., approximately .ispo. A further prize of &oo will be given for the best official time in competition with the Super Elto” Speedster” Model and a second prize in this class will be $250.00, i.e., approximately £50.
The speed records covered by these awards must be under I nternational Motor Yacht Union rules. The period of the contest began on May 1st and will end on October 1st, 1928.
It will also interest readers to know that their factory and English organisation pledge themselves not to compete for these prizes, and, furthermore, will not extend any special aid to any owner which is not equally available to all owners who wish to try for these priz es.
This means that every ” Quad” and ” Speedster” owner will have an equal chance of winning these prizes.