The things they say . . .
Although oft-quoted, the remark attributed to an RAF visitor to the Army Air celebrations at Middle Wallop last year certainly bears repetition . . . "If God had meant the…
Reader’s Indigestion
Having been an occasional reader of your worthy organ for several years, I feel it is about time I put pen to paper regarding some of the articles you publish.
Too often your so-called writers digress from the subject matter to waffle on about things which can have no possible interest to the genuine motoring enthusiast, or indeed to anyone, except perhaps the writer himself.
A prime example is GP’s article “A Tale of Two Fulvias” (MOTOR SPORT, February 1990); one cannot help but wonder exactly how many free meals GP enjoyed courtesy of the Ristorante Dall’Ava for this piece of sycophancy.
If you value your readership I suggest you print more stories like the Alfa Romeo GTV6 review, which was packed with interesting and useful information. MOTOR SPORT should stick to what it does best and leave the Good Food Guides to Egon Ronay. J P SULLIVAN Harrogate, N.Yorks