Festival of speed
Video- Festival of speed 2000 Produced by Goodwood RRC, £14.95 To be frank, with a video to review and a deadline approaching, I was ready to fast-forward through this. After…
The Golf GTi and its nearest rival.
People say “Aren’t you a little put out by all the other GTi’s around these days?”
Flattered, yes. Put out? No.
After all, most of them take their lead from our very own Golf.
And a fair stab at it most of them make. Some, let it be said, are even a shade foster, and many’s the driver Who’s scared himself half-to-death
trying to prove it.
Which is just our point. You see, a GTi is not only about going fast. It’s about going slow.
It’s about painstaking research and laborious testing.
It’s about designing a chassis that’s more than equal to the demands of high-performance driving.
It’s about a suspension that leaves you stirred not shaken.
And a brake system that’s anything but heart-stopping.
It’s about the patience it takes to apply 7lbs of paint without a drip.
The kind of patience that ensures every ioin fits flush, every seam runs straight, every screw stays screwed.
Frankly, until somebody finds better way to build a GTi, we’re all the competition we need.