Preserve or perish!
The opinions which follow do not necessarily comprise those of this paper, but they merit an airing as representing the point of view of a well-known enthusiast. Real motorcars, too,…
The letter in the February edition of your magazine and photograph from Mr. T. J. M. Dobson, prompts me to send you the enclosed photograph of a VW taken some three years ago.
You will see that it is a 4-door saloon, and was found in St. Anton in the Arlburg region of Western Austria. I believe there is a little man in St. Anton who collects crashed VWs and joins them together to make this rather unique model. Close inspection of the car showed it to be about 9 in. longer on the wheelbase, but the only noticeable join mark was on the stainless steel trim on the edge of the running-boards. There was no join to be seen in the roof, and the whole car was extremely well finished and looked a most professional job.
W.J. Francis – Marton-cum-Grafton.