![Barth and Porsche 935 Head Le Mans Classic entry - Left](https://media.motorsportmagazine.com/archive/march-2004/180px/16.jpg.webp)
Barth and Porsche 935 Head Le Mans Classic entry
Porsche Legend Jürgen Barth is among the provisional entries for the second running of the Le Mans Classic on the full 8.5-mile circuit. The Porsche 935-K3 to be raced by…
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or errors. FOR SALE
1949 DOUGLAS, the fastest and most reliable :350-cc. motorcycle on the road, engine completely reconditioned, good tyres, whole machine practically as new, one owner. (145. Can be viewed at Borcham Service Garage, Boreliant, Essex. (3745 LANCIA LAMBDA seventh series, short-chassis saloon, metal body with fabric top. First registered 1027, untaxed 1932-1950, now (10 tax. Eighth series engine, seventh series brad, both crack free, 23 m.p.g. Brakes, steering, coaeliwork, perfect. Cellulosed blueff lack, appearance equal any Lambda. Handbook. Exchange vintage tourer up to 12 lip. plus cash or sell. Photo, full details front P. Flaniank, 59. Dighfield Still, London, S.E.I9. (3378 LANCIA LAMBDA seventh series spares. Engine less head, (5; mag-dyno, 505.; starter motor, 30s. ; four-speed box, third worn, 53ts. ; camshaft, etc., for eighth series head, 60s. ; 36′ Motor Sports,” 1947-50, 30s.; fifth series Lambda handbook. Offers. Box No. 848, Moroa SpORT, 15, City Road, (3375
/4-TYPE N.G. &PARES. cylinder block, 15s. ; head and cover, 30s. ; flywheel, 5s. housing, 10s. ; crankshaft, 10s. ; oil filter, 155.; complete set of brand new valves, guides, springs, rocker bushes and shafts at manufacturer’s price. Numerous other spares. 20, Green Lawns, Eastcote, Middlesex. (3377 RILEY NINE, complete car, 1930. Less rear body. Needs slight attention, towable. (10. Oakley, 7, Fore Street, Callington, Cornwall (3379 81-LITRE BENTLEY, 1028, chassis PR 2321. A particularly fine green touring car which has had over six hundred pounds spent on it recently. Detailed invoices and history of the mar available. £450. Many spares available. Seen Essex. Box No. 840, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (3378 PACKARD V12 saloon “35/36,” 100-m.p.h. car in excellent condition, many extras, Servos, etc. £350, terms (150 cash, balance two years. Box No. 850, Moron SpORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (3380
ANZANI FRAZER-NASH ENGINE, high-compression head, high-lift rams. Complete. (20. Pair 8-in. Bosch liendlamps, £4. I b-in. S.U. carburetter, 305. Lucas magneto, /2: 7, Shirehall Close, Hendon. Tel. : Ilendon 1603. (3382 SILVER GHOST ROLLS-ROYCE. 1912. Running order, good tyres. ex the former Sir EciwaN Grey (11114 Foreign Secretary), truck body only. 4100. Delivered 100 milt.–or offers. Community Motors, Hulse Road, Salisbury. Tel. : Salisbury 4965. [3384 1925 VAUXHALL “23/00,” toulir7—VVelfh:qse
wheels, new hood, screen and battery Last year, front scats only, body excellent externally, polished aluminium bonnet, good starter and runner. (85 or offer. Community Motors, lialse Road, Salisbury. Tel. : Salisbury 4965. Specialists in vintage motors. (3385 TRIAL SPECIAL registered October, 1950. Ford Ten engine, twin S.U.s, Ford Eight gearbox, front and rear axle, hood. Fast road car. Taxed, insured. (535, sale family reason. Box No.852, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (3386 FORD TEN SPARES. Gearbox, £7; new crown wheel, pinion, bearings, £7 ,• carburetter, (1; auxiliary two-speed gearbox, /10. Box No. 853, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, 13.C.1. (3387 BORING BAR. ” Wandess” (Whatton and Sous, Wolverhampton), 2a. Complete all tools and attachments, cutters, etc., including single-cylinder table and mercer cylinder gauge. Fitts had very little use. Inspection by appointment. Offers or exchange 16-2041.p. car. Houghton, IOU Head, Fareuu
Ll33811. 8
Hants. FIAT 1103 saloon, 1938. Excellent throughout. 095. Another 1938, very fast with many extras Including Motorola Radio, oil cooler, oil and water temperature gauge. (475. Ring, Barge Hotel, Snrewsbury. Tel. : Shrewslury 3387. (3390
RILEY Imp, late 1935, 3,000 miles since complete overhaul. Body reeellulosed green, all plated parts rechromed. Tyres and weather equipment good. Fitted M’indtone horns. A fine example of this rare car. 350 gas. Rich, Painsveick, Glos. Tel,: Pains. wick 2357. (3389 RILEY NINE rear axle assembly, prop.-shaft, parts ditlerentffel missing, two wheels. (5. Crouch April Cottage, Ashton, Chester. (339d WOLSELEY HORNET SPECIAL, 30:32. Completely rebuilt engine sleeved, crankshaft reground, etc., overhauled regardless of cost. Body rebuilt, new hood and side curtains, new tyres, new wiring throughout. Run-in only. (325. Box No. 864, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. 3 RILEY M.P.H. 7,000 miles since sleeving, mains, etc., high-compression pistons, pre:selector, new hood, etc. (500 or offer. Mast sell. Reason for sale— marriage. Chapman, 9, Maycross Avenue, 5torden,
(3394 TWO UNUSED 7.00 by 80 HE. Dunlop tyres and four tubes. £10 the lot. Tel,: Albert Dock 2400. (3398 FIAT 500 SUPERCHAROERset by Arnott, including carburetter, lubrication system and all fittings. Only slightly used. Suitable for any engine up to 1)50 cc. Offers around (40. Gent, 52, Mayolh Road, Clapton, London, E.5. Tel. : Enfield 1228 weekdays 9 a.m.-6 p.m. (3399 240. AUSTIN “12-4,” late 1929. Weak points, wings, worn tyres. Body, upholstery, engine sound. Running. Seen Plymouth. Box No. 557, MoTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (3402 ” TA ” 1937. Engine perfect, new valves, springs, batteries, tyres, oil nil, celltdosed British racing green. Completely reehromed, new upholstery, dashboard grained and instruments chromed, ” M.G.” monogrammed carpets. Whole car in immaculate condition, 30-33 m.p.g., 80 m.p.h. Any trial. (35$. 5Iossford, 44, Beechley Road, Wrexham, N. Wales. (8403 M-TYPE bLO. MIDGET, o.h.e., 1931. Needs slight adjustment to timing of engine, has new king pins, crown-wheel pinion, clutch relined, drums re. skimmed, carburetter reconditioned by S.U., three new tyres, two good. Body home made four-seater. Nearest 465. 83, Sherwood Park Avenue, Sideud, Kent. (3444 ROLLS MASCOT, 6 gns, Bentley ” Winged B ” mascot, (5 10:s. 39 Bentley aluminium undershielding, (2 10s. Box No. 855. moron SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (3405 DELAGE 0.8. Four-seater saloon. French stre.amlined body, new tyres, battery, clutch, gearbox. Excellent condition. £300. Autosprays, Torrington Street, London, W.C.1. [3407 IsorrA FRASCisINI fitted with unusually modern sports coupe body. unusually attractive flowing lines. Offers invited. Box No. 881, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. 13412 SET RILEY NINE PARTS suitable for special Engine, chassis, reconditioned gearbox, shortened T.T. rear axle, two ratios, quadruple carburetters. Parts for Us., etc. Also damaged •• 4/4′ chassis frame and new i.Ls. framework. Bea No. 800, MorCia SPORT, I5, City Road, E.C.I. [3408
WOLSELEY 12 H.P. 1032 Sports Special open fourwater. Fine trim, recellulosol. etc. Nearest (165. 228, thiverstock Hill, N.W.S. (3410 “PA special 2-seater lofty, rebored, crank, rockers. Must sell. (215. 2, Southwoods, Mend ford, Yeovil (3411
1935 LA GONDA 34-litre, open 4-seater sports. Very good mechanically, txxiywc,4( good, very fast. (325. Pensby Motors, Thinga all, Birkenhead. : Upton $744. (3413 LAGONDA 49-LITRE open tourer. Type M45. 1934 model, first registered December, 1933. During 1950 the engine has been rebored, crankshaft ground, and main and big-end bearings rernetalled. The gearbox has been overhauled and gears and hearings renewed as necessary. The back axle has been checked and new pinion bearings fitted. The servo. operated brakes have been relined and the electrical wiring overhauled. The car is in first-class mechanical condition. The open 4-seater body is in sound condition, but shows signs of wear. Price /250. This car is a bargain for tin enthusiast, and is complete with alternative light aluminium mudguards for competition work. W. A. Dawson, Sundon Park, Luton. [3414 SUNBEAM-TALBOT 80. Special independent front suspension, 7,000 miles. (625. Box No. 802, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (3410 laso ALi 10/95.” Five new retreads, one new
Dunlop. Chassis and three-carburetter engine overhauled and not yet run-in. Home-mark 2-seater body requires painting and upholstery. Exchange 1949-60 360-c.c. or 500-cc. motor-cycle er cash offer. Seen Hants. Box No. 864, MOTOR Seoar. 16, .City Road, [3418 LAGOOT&LITRE speed tourer, 1929, One owner till 1945. Good tyres, two new Indira. £175. A. Biggar, 13, Coates Gardens. Edinburgh, 12. (3419
/LG. “T,’11)47 (September), 12,000 inika. Red. First-class in every way. Also Arnott’s super charger (complete), . two 18-1u. wheels, Lucas megneto, two competition wings (in primer), 0.3 works head (complete), two aero screens. Would separate. Taylor, la, Lanett= Street, Scunthorpe, Linea. Tel.: Scunthorpe 2436. [3420 ASTON-MARTIN, 1935. Mk II. Engine rebuilt etc. • 4-seater saloon. (395. Would exchange small family saloon. Liverpool. Box No. $65, MOTOR SPoser, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (3422 RILEY NINE, very attractive sports 2-seater, 1933. ‘Twin carburetters, high-compression pistons, fast, new battery. Excellent condition. Phologniph. 1.260. K. R. Lee, 27, Breinton Road, Hereford. [3423 El !.P ” 13.5 ” eteivian saloon, 1934. Preseleetor gearbox, £30 overhaul. Accept 6150. Owner disabled, would like Ford Ten tourer or similar preposition. Brett,” Fenton,” Fawley, Hants. [8427 elUiffkR HEAD and nuittifoia flange gaskets, complete new set, (1 15s. Wells, Seaview, Pevensey Bay, Sussex. [3433
1924 3-litre, long-chassis tourer. Red engine, 49 axles. Park Ward aluminium coachwork. Hood, sidescaceus, tonneau New battery, chronic, wiring. Immaculate. Playfoot, Berkeley Ledge, Ridgway, London’, 19. Tel. : Wimbledon 4657 and Abbey 4535. 1,12131 ARMSTRONG-SUDBURY 17-h.p. Sleeved and crank ground, new valves, springs, etc., ago. Body sound but needs attention. Extor 4-seater sports or coupe In comparable Vickery, 8, Gunnersbury Park Mansions, W.5. Tel: Acorn 1685. 13435
FORD “1.4.9 ” droplierid. buo-blue and black in really outstanding cOndition. No new hood and tyres, engine, Steering and axle reconditioned. All spares available if Utterly reliable and economical. Will indefinitely. Nearest £150. Beg No. 807, SPORT, 16, City Road, RCA, [3438 43-LITRE drophead coupe. Chassis 3953 in superb order. (425. 3-litre short•chassis wide 4-seater body, in good running order. For full details write Matthews. LO118 Eredy,
[3438 sports/tourer, shortchassis ; fourgearbox, overhauled *throughout, taxed, spares, exchange for 1934-35 Ford Eight. The Manor, Biahosistone, Swindon, Wilts. : Wantxwough 280. 13428 AIMS ” 12/50 ” 1931 4-seater tourer, 4,000 miles since rebuilt, space needed. (160. Knowles. 96,
St. George’s Road, Wallasey, Cheshire. [3439 aT.4746 ” 1934 LOUDON TALBOT 5-seater saloon, well maintained, exchange for siir.ilar “8/10″ 2-seater Coupe or drophead. 1.0edve Talbot, M.G., Morgan ” 44″ preferred, but offers. Family grown up.
MacIlwaine, Brough, Yorkshire. [3421 4120. 5.8.1 10 11.p., 13.000, (52 overhaul 39,000: Single Soles, 25 m.p.g. Bodywork, tyres good. Alter 7 p.m. only. Warne, 33, Ambleside Av..
S.W.18. Tel. : Streatham 5755. (3442 1937 H.R.°. Meadows. Engine completely overhauled, resteeved,. new pistons, reground shaft. Excellent mechanical condition. Bad offer over 4350. Box No. 860, Mama SPORT, 15, City Road, ($444 1931 RILEY 9-H.P. saloon, special series engine, twin carburetters. ‘the car engineer-owned and in excellent condition. Rad:mime with adjustment or purchase 9-Ii.p. Riley Kestrel, engine and gearbox in any condition, even a nomrunner. remainder of car nicest be in good condition if untidy. Hardman,
28, New Town Road, Colchister. [3447 NITEC19:39 Ten Tickford coupc1740.000, two owner& First major overhaul November. 1950, bored, sleeved, crankstuat (new), dynamo, starter, carburetters. Recellulmed red, new hood, tyres, carpets. Beautiful example. Offers over (445. Riley Niue or similar wanted for larger family. 44, Dysart Avenue, ICingston-on-Thanies. Tel. : Kingston 7825. [3448 SMINS.1.-4-WOI—TEIO (makers reconditioned), (4. Riley Nine (19321 block, camshafts, rods, sump, timing case, clutch, lamps, front and rear wings, windscreen, offers. Four thermometers, 7s.8d.rxrch. Two 6v starters, suitable Morris Eight, offers. ” Defoliate,” 26, Central Avenue, Polegate. Sussex. 13450 FORD VS roadster. Wind-up windows, good ore, brakes relined, new springs, etc. Good tyres. (100. f13, Pack Lane, Basingstoke. Tel.: Basingstoke 298. 13151 ZEUS 1)-In. headlamps. Good reflectors. (9 pair. 03, Pack Lane, Basingstoke. Tel : Basingstoke
‘208. [3451 AUSTIN—Ulster dose-ratio gearbox, ret. Wellworthy pistons, new radiator, good tyres, downdraught carburetter, high-compression cylinder head. Suitable vintage and 750 events. £12593. Pack Lane, Basin toke. [3451 SFOR , 55 copies, from 1940-1050. What offers? 2, Wiltshire Gardens, Twickenlaran, Middlesex. (8452 TED LUND wishes to sell his M.G.-engined special, or would consider exchange. Engine Just been rebuilt and car now ready for touring or competitions. Details on request. E. K. Lund and Co., Preston Road Garage, Coppull, near Chorky. Tel. : Coppull 2515 (up to 11 pm.). 3453 MEADOWS 1929 4 E.D. gearbox complete with clutch aiul clutch housing, as new, unused. (5 105. Pair of 30 nun. Bronze Solex carburetters same year and condition, 4’2. Robathan, Upper House, Eastnor, Ledbury, klereford.shire. (3456 837 10s. JOWETT 2-seater sports, 1027. Used daily. Four new tyres and tubes. Baker,
68. Cromwell Road, Peterborough. (3450 1937 A.C. dropheatt foursome. Black, red leather. Overhauled by makers in September, 1949. Mileage only 38,000. Safe, fast, British thoroughbred. (400.J. B. Las.aing, Brambletye, I.hnpsfield, Surrey’. Tel. : Oxted [8457 0.11.8. 300 talks. Riley Nine engine, high-conspresaion Martlets. four-branch exhaust, twin exhaust OM% etc., ifs, gives hands off steering at maxilnuns speed 175-80 m.p.h.). A trials car that Is at its best when driven fast on the road. (285. Newnam, Park View Road, Wolk:Kole, Stourbridge. (3478
LEA-FRANCIS “12,40 ” chassis complete. Excellent condition, also aunty spares. Will separate. No reasonable offers refused. CaMbridge, 13, Ashcroft. Road, Worcester. JOHN BLAND, Talnot sporialist, c-,In supply fl:i3r4n5181 models. Water pump bodies, covers, spinilles. pc-kings, gland nuts. etc. Flexible one-shot oil pipes. Crankshaft to gearbox. Oil seals. All gaskets. For ” Sevens ” only. water nemilohls. Exchanee service radiator. Many tither iguis, new and secondhand. 27, Soutlelds Road, S.W.1.8. Tel. :
Vandyke 1012. _ .2459
JORN BLAND offers1932 n Talliot Fourtee saloon.
Excellent ergichwork, good battery, three . practically n ew tyres, recent complete engine overhaul, 605. 27, Southfields Ittxrd, Tcl. Vionlyke 1612. ;11450
ITEN E—Y 3-111re Rk-a Label, 11124 with 1920 .fications, exceptional condition. Roomy Park Ward tourer, hood and Sidt,,ATCY11,,.. Good tyres. 6285. Hannan, Northaw, 2, WYell Lanc,
Tel. : Voking 2035. (3400
VINTAGE 1003 BEAN,711.1 11.p. open 4.seater. Appearance similar page 82 February Moron SPOUT. Good condition. Will go anywhere. On. Maligns 134, Mildmay Road, Chelmsford.
RILEY NINE, Treen T.T. keplon Desenbed and illustrated June Moron SPOnr. li.xcellmit condition. £500. Currie, St. Peter’s Hall, Oxford. [0403 JAGUAR 100, 34:litre 2-seater sports. In Perfeet all round condition. Maintained re-ardless of expense. Engine, steeiiii, suspension,
etc., faultless. Just reeellulcrsed Alpine I?lue. Coin, pleb: all-weather equipment. Five very good tyres. Brilliant performance. Capable of over 100 ni.p.h. This extremely attractive car is offovd at i„495. Photographs willingly sent to genuine enquirers.
This is private sale, but hire unionise can be arranged n required. Write, Willis,” Maylands,7′ West ieb I Road, WrilinglanOugh, Northamptonshire. 125. AUSTITI-TEVEN fixed li;..74d unconijitite6461 2-seater body. Owner no time to complete. ALSo many spares tar Austin Seven engines.Write: please to G. H. ILelsill, ” Windward,” Newark Road, ion 3-LITRE BENTLEY 4-seater, original style. Engine rebuild cost 010, gaol tyres, battery, new hoist, tonneau. Details on request. 6325.. Also four 5.00 by 18 new tyres, (5 Ills. each. Part worn 5.25 by 21 tyres tont tubes, 64 10s.and 10s; each. 2-litre Lagonda wheel, good condition, with new tube, good tyre, 47. Solined hub, 61. Autuvac, Wanted 0.00 by 20 tyres. Hales. Market Place, Renleyon-Tliatnes.$471) 1036 AUSTIN SEVEN 2-seater spwial.Excellent tyres, folddlat screen, stab tank, undershIng ehassiS, remote gear-change. ‘taxed. 6135. Baniard, 34, St. Mary’s Grove,’ Canonbury. Ni. [3471
WOLSELEY HORNET .E.W. Special, Full el.:Wilson request. Om of finest ex.:1101es in country. Goszett, 53, Vicarage Rom!, Chelmsford.
AUSTIN SEVEN LHASSIS FRAMES, bnind I:1314.’117%2.; Latest type; ideal for specials. 610 19s. each. Harcourt Motors, Chandos Street, Leamington Spit. Tel. : Leamington Spa 1904. i3473 RILEY ALPINE saloon, 1933. Enginecompletely -overhauled, well shod. £100, eseliattee 78 4-seater. 19, Melbourne Road, Carlisle. 13174
INVICTA 13-LITRE ENGINE complete, manual E.N.V. and all accessories, 640. Ditto, engine, slight jacket crack, and many spares. 625. Ditto new differential assembly, 612 Ws. 28 by -3 14.E. cover, 309. Large headlamp-, as new, 50s. :350-n.e. Barr and Stroud, £10. 1927 10-1tp.. Sunbeam TOurer, 645. Smith, Tythe Cottage,. Bakers Lane, -Knowle. Birmingham. !3475 S.P.A. 1922 Type 23 sports 2.7-litredrophend coupe. Mileage 21,000. Unlicensed 1930-47. Sell or exchange for Bugatti, Lancia Or similar. Preferably about 12 Kay, Mat’sh Lmw, :thianbleton, Blackpool. 13470 ALM ” 12;60 ” T.L. 1932 open 4-Seater. 1..100 disalipearing hood, luggage boot and detaChable lax to lit, fulblength tonneau cov, r. four new ludias. Taxed year. Probably available EverythMg necessary has been done to this car during the last year, and tin re is nothing whatever to Spend. Present owner fourteen No offers below (,25)). Box No. 870, Mown: tinoser, 15, City Road, E.C.1. 13477 A COLLECTOR’S DREAM. Enthusiast lets for disposal 145 copies of ltimolt SPORT. April, 1932. 11111),January, I, cm:tiding August, 1032 and Slareh, November, December, 1935 . also February, 11140December, 1910, excepting June, 1947, and January April, May, 1948. In perfect condition. Sale Owing to Lack of space. All enquiries Will be answered. Offers please to llok No. 871, MOTR $ner. 15, City Road, E.C.1. O m ‘3479
AUSTIN SEVEN SPECIAL. High-ctunprcFsi,,,, body shell, front axle, springs, Vte., by Cambridge. Four new tyres and Suitable trials work. Owner going abroad. First rear:I-arable offer accepted. Seen by appointment. 1,1, Notley, ..Cotchet Farm, Blackdeavn, Surrey. 13481 LAGONDA 43-LITRE. 1934 pillarki,s saloon. Stored past four years, Unlicensed, but trial -can be arrangcal. 6300. 14.M./E.C.1_14., Lortilmi,’t, .1 :;.4,s1.)
PLATINUM CONTACT SET, 27s, Oct.Runliaken Oiil Charger, .new, 1;3. Verodo brake indicator, new, 17s. M. Requirtid 19v” Radirminibile.” Landon, 4, GtiOdWin Road, Shephent’s Bush, Lomb in, W.12. 134S2 FRAZER-NASH, 1113.3 T.T. Replica, shod.cliassis, h. higcoMpression Meadows. II-litre, Laystill crankshaft. Engine, transmission and eliassisnmaiimtained in perfect condition. BMiy fair, but new !mod and tountlin cover: First -offer over 6300’secures. Box No. 872, MOTOR Swint’, 1.5, City Road. E.C.1. [3483 ALVIS ” 12,60 ” touter, 19.42 4-seater. Nevi, hooa and screens, new tyres, body and eit„%dite in excellent condition, oil pressure 30 lb. hot, radio fitted. 6200. Box Ni,. b73, Moron Svora, 15, City Road, E.C.I• MORGAN THREE-WHEELER. Taxed, irft).31:1:414. good condition, 620 hist spent. Offers round 670. Lee, Bradford reYerell. Dorchester. Tel.: Doreht.sttr 901. 13185 TYPE 430 2.3-LITRE -BueArrx 2f3-seater, lered 1931. Engine, gearbox overhauled new G.P. axle four new tynis, DON hood. 7-in. speed,
meter owl rec.-counter, late .l. wheels, new lamps. Resprayed racing blue. A very fast :ind reliable car with superb brakes :Ind roadholding. 6:0411. itelianee :Motors, 40, Gun Lane, &Mimi, Kern.
Stroocl 7:4051. :3180 FORD V13. 1936 dismantling. Riley Nine and Four• teen parts. Triumph Ten gearbox:. MAI. spares.
CrOW11.Wileti Pilli0115., various types. Box Ni,. s7.1, m iTiiR 5. City kon, E.!C’. . 13487 LAGONDA 2-LITRE. (vein 1,11.o. tourer, 1928, black,
Chrome lamps radiator, good Maxi/screens. Prt”.!tiellt (Miler Seven years, bOliglit saloon, 11)15,offers, Tel. : Lee 8793. 13515
GRAHAM PAIGE Crusader (1929172.1.0 Ii p. Engine rebuilt September. New radiator block, good Lyric.
1185. Howard ‘Vyse, St. Patriek’s Reading. [3517 1949 MORGAN ” 4i4 ” 4-seater. Very small mileage. Genuinely as new. Owner needs Larger car. flood, siileserecus, tonneau cover perfect Offers over 6000. Baru House, Welford, Stratford on-Avon. (3518 GENUINE AMIN SEVEN Nippy 2.serater sports. Recent new n)od, respray, etc. 6[80. 09, Riverview Road. Ewell, Surrey. 13519 RILei 1502 Monaco saloon. Rebore, crank
reground August, HMO. Maly fair. OW. Nicol. 261/, Torrisawirit Road, Lainsister. Lancaster 1,187 evenings, suit:rag, vogo TEN, ns new, best -offer, 13’1,To) in. eurommin headlamps (chrome pitted), :25s. pair. Lucas” Alto ”12v. born, Itis. 6s. or exchange fur (1.Y. 230, Lodge Lane, Oniys, (3523 1928 ARDISTROND,SIDDELEY tourer. Ttized. March. Good naming order. E. Buteuer, 5, Thc Glade, Welwyn Garden City. Tel..: WeivVyn Garden 41 [3524 7509:1.0. AUSTIN SPEOAL 2-seater. Completely’ tebIlint le11::tilY1101 t.liai4.+1S. Registered 19511. (1511 ‘r incur offer. 34. Byron Road, WimIdstone, IN VI i.:TA 43-LITRE 2i4 -Seater. The engine is not luny run since rebuild. Anyone interested eau reSt assured that this car is in superb inecuanieal condition. Coachwork good, cellulose
good, Fitted Telecontrols, offer arotind 640t1 secures. GIMML1011, Fruit Vann, Brumley, Surrey. Tel. : BrandeV 2219.
51211.p. tourer. . Exeellent appearance. Meehimically sound. Weather prool. 1’&-.AC. inspecton. 0, offers. Corliett, 241, laingbridge Lane, 13inningiesm, 31.
… LABONDA RAPIER 10h+. 1934 4-seater. lis$0,5123,1 wpm anscratened. ReeerillV overhauled engine. and gearbox-. Almost new hood. $creetnt and tyres. A
car for a _conitoi:-…seur. Kinn’, .73, King Street, StneWsbury. _ , 27;s:Ar kt Eo, Type 0C 1,300 twin-caur, 10,000 t11113,..t,4) since cumin…overhaul, well staid, in excellent eutlilt1:5030: °arm’ got new car. 62110. or offers. IL Badger, 152. Br. anti Roa.t. Rot nerliant. Tel. : Rotherham BENTLEY 41-LITRE, P.Isn esli :0%001112g -briik-7:, wi tat rear door ellirAllee. sisits folding to make fiat bed 11 inches above door. Two new 095, or Oil:Range 3-litre Red Label. Box No. S81, alo cog StsigT, 15. t-111.’ Road. lOCh. 135:3’2 2-LIT1tiE LAUONDA, 19.51 ; 3,500 miles since complete rebuild. ltritish racing green. New hood
62:00. Brooks. 114, Moss!, y Road, Grease-soft.
Mar Oldnam. Tel. Saddle:worth 158.
534 RILEY FOURTEEN Wm:nester. Fitted excellent truck body. wan canvas tilt. Crash box, Nudge wheels, good tyres. A great deal Of work has recently lieen carried oat, inelialiag engine and gearbox overhaul, rewiring, dynamo reepnoitioned, a new battery titled •, .ilso ” Dray ” water heater.
61:45, or 1931 AUSTIN SEVEN saloon. Updniught Zenith, 8,000 since reconditioned engine. Taxed year Good battery. tyres, springs, kingpinS. Tidy external, shently tatty interior. With Ckl.till adjust meta, offered in exchange for Ford Eight or Ten saloon. Reason for sale too much family, not emnigh AU5till. G.:Millie enquiries only please Underhill, 9, Ridgeway, Woodford Green, _K.:sex. TO. : 5713. (3542 1£428. 2-LIT1IE LAGONDA. Extra lamps, yi.S.Or, foldine tear screen (Triplex). One enthusiastic Owner since 1934. I 70. Wanted. CollP4( 2-litre or Alvis, preferably Silver Miele, Bloxion. Gorse Bank, Broughton he Furness. 13544 MERCEDES-BENZ’ 311,-220 ” radiator, 610, crated. Armstroug•Siddeley SI’Iiiim r hirommie 1111Z{:01., 11141 lapel badges, ears and moti ing, all different, L7 ” Hitt On Eyston, £1. ” Combat,” Lyndon, 4113 v N.,. 883, Mol “I urn Ili, City Km ii E.C.1 [3440 M.G. “18180 ” MK L It31. Enthusiast’s car in sound mechanical condition. Rewired. IICV4′ batteries. Stuart Ian ty work Good tyres. 41I10. Second engine for ‘pa c,-. l 5. Adams, ltn,oktield Avenue, Endon. Stok, ‘011 To M. (8547 1929 ALFA-ROMEO liditre :supercharged)” 35)85″ six-cylinder, twin-cant. Under two years’ use since 1940, Mechanical rebuild 1946. Since had only three months’ use. Body 1037 open 2-Seater. Large luggage compartment in tail. Respray 1950. Hood, side screens, tonneau. Tias car has never exceeded 4,000 r.p.ra. in my hands, perfectly docile, never, oils plugs. Further information and photo on request. Domestic reasons necessitate purchase of smaller car. Par I exchange, or offers around 4425. Dennis Bitterns , ” Wayside Cottage,” Want, St. Ives, Cornwall. (3446 RILEY Nlaffsaort-chitesis. special. Ideal for trails, hill etimbe, etc. New battery, almost new rings, good tyres, two spare wheels. excellent mechanical Condition. Box No 884, MOTOR SPORT, 16, City Road, E.C.1. (8548 ITA-UXILALL “20,.60” saloon, 1928. Body In tx ‘client Original condition, just repainted. rive greet tyres. Mechanical -ondition good, although engine Li a little tired. Taxed and insured, drive her away Offers around (85. Parr, 101, London Read, Luton. Beds: Tel. : I,uton 2316. 13649 1M SINGER”LE MANS” 2-seater.* Cream and gieen, in absolutely first-class condition. Has recently been completely overhauled and fitted with new hood and sidescreens. New Dunlopitio seats made to customer’s specification. Engine rebored, crank ground, brakes relined, new Solcx carburetters, hydraulic system checked and new parts fitted wherever needed. All instruments work. Chrome as new. Tyree 100 per cent. The owner will be pleased to give a demonstration to Interested enquirers. Price (226. 42, Park Road, Peterborough. Tel. : Peterborough 3333. 13650 Nir100 JAGUAR. 1938 24 litre, iiite proper.) of enthusiast; 40,000 miles : 00.95 m.p.h. 20 m.p.g. A most attractive car in immacul condition. 6685. lluxham’s, Ltd., Penn UM Garage, Brank ‘ some, Bournemouth. Tel. : Parkstonc 2. 13252 BLEL 2.8-LITRE sports saloon. ,.le k. Registered 1939 but little used, sod in hatodful condition. New tyres all round. 1575. Hushrem’s, Lid., Penn Hill Garage, Branissolne, Bournemouth. Tel.: Parkstone 2. (3652 DICEI-atTRIAL 11-litre, 1937, Sprite head, quiet gearbox, excellent tyres. 95-runp battery, good performance and condition. (345. Robertson, 74, King; Roa’t Wimbledon, S.W.I9. (3489 CREAM cRACE-Elt 21.0. la.litre. First registered November 12th. 1938. Regiatratiou No. BBL SO. Completed 50 miles only since reconditioned engine fitted. Price £420. ‘terms, exchanges. Woodseats Motors, Chesterfield Road, Sheffield. Tel. : Sheffield 46532. Open 0-6, including Sundays. (0 AtlioNaNx 2-seater coaehletilt body in excellent 1 condition, ‘complete With petrol tank, upholstery, hood and dash instruments (r0.a-counter, two oil gauges, ammeter, petrol gauge and switches.) Also .,Wr 1923 vintage French ‘Zeniths, 30 mar. bore. ex2-litreBugatti, cheap. Wanted G.P. Bugatti chassis, complete. J. W. Porridge, Elton Lodge, Bury, Lancs. [3491 A.LV1I-10.&LIt tourer 11.9 h.p. Reconditioned throughout, 7,000 miles since rebore. New hood, sidasereens and batteries, new 4.3.U. carburetter. Enthusiast maintained. A beautifully preserved specimen, complete with radio. £285. Tel. : Central 81187. day ; Wimbledon 3244, evening. G. Page. (3494 1100 FIAT CYLINDER HEAD, 308C ntodel, bronze plug Inserts fitted, perfect condition. £16. Masker, 12, Nursery Road, Davyhultne, Manchester. [3406 BENTLETRE, first registered 1934. In original and excellent condition throughout. Engine reconditioned, including chromium liners, pistons, crankshaft, dutch relined, brakes, etc. Resprayed and fitted with new lamps (Pallas). For sale or exchange Riley, Aston, M.G. or similar. Neale, 1624. Bristol Road South, Retinal, Birmingham. [3408 OFFERS WANTED. Mayne Midget engine spares, Motoring books, MOTOR SPORTS. List S.a.e. Davies. 30, Oxenden Park Drive, Herne Bay, Kent. [$409 krts FIREFLY saloon, 1934. Body by Cross and Ellis. Preselector. Uses no oil. Not yet run.in from rebore. Really good specimen. (276. Or will exchange for 1932-.3:3 Alvis Speed Tweety, in similar condition and cash, or will purchase Speed Twenty. Cleaver, Bemis North Lodge, lade-aster, Yorkshire. [35C0 WOLSELET FOURTEEN tax tourer, 1937. Wind-up windeas. Tyres, engine, body. tram:ode:don, excellent. Dead reliable. (300. Neer offer. Cleaver, Recce North Lodge, Tadcaster, Yorkshire, [3500 FIVE 8.00 BY 21 DUNLOP standard tyres, some half, some tWo-thirds worn, with tubes. (16. Chapman, 150, %velem Road (E), Bealeyheath. Tel. : 2871. f3B572leylitettlt AUSTIN/FOID 8.11.p, special, built Deconber, 1048. yore good condition. Weather equipment. Similar Dellote. e225 or nearest. Pitotognmhs available. Chia ” Shrubbery Hill,” Cookley, Worcs. Akan “Ipb ” “TI” Cross and Ellis tourer. Good mechanically. well mainteined, full all-weather equipment, full tonneausLaycock, 66, Scholes Park Drive, Scarborough. 13510 MERCURY SPECIAL. (223! ;£10 taxa Excellent history in sprints and trials. Nearly new tyres. Perfect mechanically. Road equipped. Fantastic performance. Exchange. 3, Beechey Jet ad, Bournemouth. : Bournemouth 723. [3604 SAL0611736bY removed front 2.1lire Lagonda, in very good condition. What offers ? Write M. ,Leo, 68, Ifoltepur ‘top) sue, Beaconsfield. (3505 1947 ROVER TWELVE export saloon, extras, one owner, engineer driven and maintained, very good mechanically. 6975. 51.0. ” TA” Tickford accepted part exchange. Also Swiss Telemark stopwatch giving direct m.p.h. readings. 47 10s; Thornton Lodge, 8, Southlands Grove, IlickleY, Tel. ; Ravensbourne 0553. 13507 1928 AUSTIN “12;4 “tourer, well maintained and in excellent condition throughout. £76. Green, 19, Hampton View, Bath, Somerset. [3508 • 24-E”A.TEt1 ‘ Pb-crit,E1. Excellent condition, having been stripoed to the chassis and rebuilt in 194$: Superb boaywark, engine rebored and retnetalled 2.000 milis ago. Good all-weather equipment and several extras, including luggage rack, acre, screens and extra instruments. Fast and reliable 295 ens. Box No. 889. Moroe SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.I. [3509 VAUXHALL BURLINGHAM SFORTs and complete spare machine. Around £150. Wanted Alfa ” 2/3″ or tingatti G.P. body for 6.11trelllspano. M.Scott, 6, Egerton Court, Pelham Street, S.W.7. : Knightsbridge 2159. (3440 HUMBER NINE, 1930, running order, but without body. What offers? Apply Hill House, Worley Hill, Brentwood, Essex. Tel. : Brentwood 401 or 2319. 1938 TALBOT TEN two-door pillariese seldom value approximately £260, exchange lot 12-16.11.p. saloon or sports of same value, or would sell. 63, Gravelly Hill North, Birmingham, 23. [3522 SINGER “13.9” (1933) Sportsman fixed heed twodoor MAIN. Very good, 28 m.p.g., exchange for smeller sports or saloon. Sell 6150 (London). Box No. 890; Moecut SpoRT, 15, City Road. (3449 1ffITNI3EAM, 1931, 24 ILP. Good coachwork and mechanical condition; discs. Consider exchange. Tel. : Maidenhead 2713. (3570 MERCURY-ENGINED FORD VS, Model 18, black 4-door saloon. Bosch headlamps. New Lucars. outsize battery, Mellotone horns, distributor, c plugs, wiring, eta New Dunlop ” Forts.” Bills shoten. Tow-bar. Taxed, Insured. Exceptional. (175. Owner going abroad. Anthony Gartbwalte, 30, Cadogan PIace, S.W.I. Tel. : Sloane 1481 or London Wall 5002; (3553 ROLLS-RoycE “40/50,” Waggonette shooting brake body, built by Cron!, Edinburgh, 1910. Engine No. 0$. Leather wines, in exceptional condition, filet-class mechanical order. (150. Vauxhall tourer, 1921, aPProxintatvlY 21 laPe running order, but sonic minor Wine removed, 6:15. Auto Parts. Gogar Bank, Edinburgh. Td. Edin 1 burgh 3t 657 . 3554 JAGUAR 315IfEEsaloon, late 131(1: him*. Total mileage only 28,000. A superb, specimen carefully maintained by private owner. Absolutely spotless. Fitted vertex magneto ignition and Many extras, Including radio, heater. Ace discs, special idellotone horns, additional lamps, bumper over-riders, chromium badge bar, etc. A 100-m.p.h. Rally car. 1,000 guineas or ,tear offer. E. W. /1. Nairn,” George field,” 31, Inverleith Terrace, Edinburgh. [3555 ALvIs “12/55,” 11124, 4-seater sports. Very sound and reliable. Peintwork good, nearly new hood and screens. Upholstery fair. Two new tyres. 020. Corgi fold-up lightweight, little used, 632. Falcon Reading. (3656 M.G. 1938 “TA.” Black. Many extras. including rear Andre teletentrois. Taxed year. (265 or near offer. Rogers, 14, Northumberland Road, North Harrow, Middlesex. Tel. : -1-Mrrme 0205. (3559 1031 ALVIS “12/80 ” speoitu tourer. Resprayed black ; new hood, side-Screens, tonneau. Twill spares, cycle-types, fold-flat screen. Mechanically sound. Spares include gearbox with all new cogs, needs assembling, twin S.U.s and manifold, engineless block and head castings. (200 the lot. Wallwork, 219, link’ Road, Hale, Cheshire. LARRNDA R-LFFRE, 1929, hi cnaaeis, fitted 4f-d35oo57 m r fabric &optimist sports saloon by Salmons. Mechanically sound, very good body, good tyres and batteries. All instruments working. Recently’ demised, bright parts rechromed, anal interior wooden fittings repolished. Any reasonable trial. (125. After 7 p.m. or week-end: Lamb, 26, Granville Road, Sidcup, Kent. 1355a COVENANT FREE Mardi 13th, M.G. ” TD ” Midget. Mileage 7,500; as new, fitted radio and spotlights. Reason for sale, owner allied for National Service. 4900. Tel. : Colchester 2403 after 7.:30 rani. (3560 “MOTOR SPORT’,” t939-1949, .single copies, complete your get. S.A.E. for list. Humphries, 97, Churchill Avenue, Aylesbury, Bucks. ($561 M.G. MAGNA-MATHTETTE. Rebuilt throughout, lightened 2.seiter ; blue. Modifications : oversize Inlets, lightened flywheel, high compression, new copper exhaust system, new radiator, stiffened chassis, large Magnette brakes, new kingpins, shackles, trunnions. wheel bearings. New hood, screen, scats, interior, dash, aircraft instruments, 6.1n. rev. Spare engine, gearbox, axles, etc. Enthusiast’s car. Excellent performance. Photo. Offers over £200. Reason for sale. Gray, Brook Farm, Con-fold, Horsham. [3563 atrONDA 44-LITRE Vanden Plas tourer, 1934 vintage. This car is in excellent order throughout and has hozt several hundred pounds spent upon it during the past three years. Tyres are new and present owner is selling only as result of family increase and attendant expenses! Offers Over C.300 considered. S.A.E, to , Edwards ez Co. (Bournemouth), Ltd., Pokeedown Hill, Bournemouth. Tel. : Sontlitiourne l032-2. (3584 PERFECT M-TYPE ORAsSis. Rough, serviceable body. Chassis completely, repeat cempletely, rebuilt only 3,000 miles ago. Frame cleaned. de, scaled, repainted rustproof aluminium. Springs reset, retempered, greased, wrapped waterproof tape. All new shackles, pins. New king-pins, bushes, steering joints. All new brake linings, P-type Bowden calats. All wheel bearings renewed. Wheels,. trued, painted aluminium, all new tubes and covers. Block surface-ground, sleeved standard. Crankshaft ground, all bearings rentetallect, new race. Head ground, new valve seat inserts, guides’, springs, valves. All new rockers, bushes, spindles. New M.G. cainshaft. Hard -chromed vertical drive pinion with special oil seal arrangement. Dynamo, starter, Lucas rebuilt. Engine clean and quiet. Vokae full-flow oil filter fitted. Graplated oil only used. Clutch plate, linings renewed. Quiet 4-speed gearbox reconditioned. New flexible couplings. New differential bevels. New ” Double Life battery. New 1940 Lucas headlanifis, Antique horn. You can imagine what all this cast in 1940 1 Bargain price snow (110 or offer. Please write , Carroll, Haywards, Middle Wallop, Hants. (3565 VAUXHALL ” 14/40 ” 2-seater, 1924, Mini:led:ire condition, collector’s piece ; negligible mileage. (180 or near offer. Wanted : rather faster Alvis “ 12)50″ 2-seater. Box No. 885, MarOa SPORT, 15. City Road, E.C.1. (3566 EritiCOUT. SERIES 4. Exceptionally good condition. New mohair hood, new screens; photo available. (275. Terms arranged. Smith, 80, Chestnut Drive, )easteote, Pinner, Middlesex. [3567 itiLEY NINE 4-seater tomer (May, nd sound. Owner going abroad—must sell’by March fhb—nearest (165. Rem, 18, Roxwell Road, Chelineford. 0589 OttiGENAL TYPE AUSTIN CHUMMY. Engine, brakes, steering and tyres good. Body shabby but servicaable. 460. Box No. 886, Morog SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. PAIR FORD ANGLIA AXLE CASINGS. £4 ;13:al) Delco 12.v. Windtones, (2 ; 1,ueas C.4 magneto, 50s.; Austin Seven 3-speed gearboxes, 41 each ; SD. Ne.Minor dynamo, £3. Bagguley, Aston-on-Trent, [3573 1925 STA. 12 H.P., 2-seater and dickey. Body’work, interior, hood and sideecreens as new and equal in condition to many post-war cars. Mechanically perfect. rive new tyr, new battery. Finest example in the country, In showroom condition. Nearest 6110. 54, Park Avenue, Kendal. : Kends’ 207. r3575 t4.-7 Jos.—R.N. open 2-seater sports ; original boattype 12axnly3.: 4.cylinder my. engine. Tel. : illari3d5e7n8 SUPERCHARGER, with carburetter. Arnott’s low-pressure Type 2400, 1,800.2,200 p.c. Excellent condition.. lipscorabe, 148, Castlettau, Barnes. (3582 1035 WOLSELEY HORNET SPECIAL, 14 H.R.. tbeylinder. Twin Sai. E.W. saloon. Requires attention. Best offer accepted. 6, Mayfield Road, Wimbledon. Tel. : Liberty 1646. (3586 5. EtOrzii-itokeE saver Ghost chassis, 1021, complete with bonnet, scuttle, front wings, lights. Drive away. Hound House, Shere, Guildford. (3639 LAGONDA, 1931 open tourer in ar,t condition. Recently overhauled at cost New hood and sicksereens, tyres in excelkeit eonditien (two brand new). Guaranteed for three months. 065. Lt.-Cdr, R. F. Park, R.N.. 10. Morpeth Mansions, Morpetli Terrace, Londolt WI. VINTAGE ALVIS Big Port. 1929 green” Beet lebaek. Probably the most potent and successful •• standard ” motor of the type running today. Sole reamm for sale-to accommodate a growing family ! Two owners only, 17 years by myself. Complete Mead . from E. V. Buck, ” Prescott,” Adlington, Cheshire. [4.641 RAILL’ION 1934/5 EIGHT CYLINDER ENGINE, Complete hut stripped ready for rebore. Steering box, rear axle casting, half-shafts, wheels and hearings. 18, Park Avenue, Solihull, Birmingham. 13843 VAUXHALL 20 h.p. saloon, 1934. in very good condition, ttr Consider part exchange for smaller car, FIAT 500 preferred. J. Hart, 1,edel Netherthong, Irolnifirth, Huddersfield. LAGONDA, 1930, saloon 2-litre (12.$1. Good mechanical condition, P.100s. (185. Davis. 4, blergan Road, Reading. Tel. Reading 3459. [3645 CAMBRIDGE ENGINEERING, offer front stock for Anal in Seven models, sports 2-seater light body shells for both short and long-chassis models ; 16-in. wheels exchange ; 1930-30 reconditioned engines exchange : radiator blocks exchange ; reconditioned dynamos exchange ; light flywheels exchange : high-duty alloy cylinder heads or standard and sports engintss, combined itdet and exhaust manifolds to take downitraught carburetter for higher performance. dropped axle and spring sets to lower chassis for grander tahillty, sleeved cylinder blocks exchange. Iran stock of all listed component parts. Bowdenex braking system will again be Available Shortly. S.A.E. for lists. Cambridge Engineering, Cambridge Road, Kew Green, Surrey. Tel,; Wellman!’ 2126. (3646 FAMOUS BENTLEY TEAM CAR, 1928, 4*. Firstclass condition :throughout, YV 7263. $.3 axle, D-type box, 18:in. Wheels, twin Se111111141.4, Zeiss lamps, 38-gallon took, full 4-seater body. Napier green. .1675. The Old Malt House. Leigh Hill Road. Ishatt, Surrey. Tel.. Cobham ,,j(RI. [3647 RILEY 14-LITRE MANIFOLD, Zenith 36VJI carburetter and air cleaner complete, (5. Eversure foglamp, (1. Triumph metal spare wheel cover, black, (1. Friar. Tel : Western 0401. [3648 COT! 23. The fastest Type 55 Buteati in country ; 1934 twIn-cattishaft supercharged 2.3 litre. This car has been timed at 124 m.p.h. Completely rerollered and fitted With lightweight super sports body 1948. Maintained regiirille.ot of cost. Sacrifice 024 for immediate sale. D. A. l’ierpoint. Wellhonse. Burgess Hill, Sum.ex. Tel.: Burgess 11111 3215. [3649 lib -UTE-. SILVER iiHOST, 1921-tiiitouaine, Front wheel brekes, spare gearbox and back axle, new tyres ; 11.9 trigonda. 1924 4-seater. Dismantling 2-litre Lagonda. Arnott blower suitable 2,000 c.c., Manifold for A.C. lateas Vertex four-cylinder magneto reconditioned. Fisher, Apslay Cottage, Kingston Blount, Oxon. [3450 ALBOT 95 sun roof saloon by Darraeo. Excellent carriage work, reconditioned engine, radiator, new butteries, tyres excellent. C275. Drome Garage, Walton, Norfolk. Tel.; Walton 343. [3651 M.O., 1937. Registered ” NA” Magnetic. Excellent condition and appearance. New red mohair hood and screens, AtOtlegtiard, PaSslight. Uses no oil. C360, nearest offer. Curran. ‘Tel. Elinbrifige 7027 6.30 p.m. (3652 LAGONDA RAPIDE in firstalass condition. Fitted Andr6 Telecontrol shock-absorbers, radio fog end spot lamps, tyres good. What offers ? Bellinger, Three Crowns, Wisttorough Green, Sussex. 13’e015.3: Vilsborourejt Green 207. “LEANS” SINGER NINE 4-seater. Rebo. red, new battery. valves. crankshaft, all recent. Must sell owing imminent fate:hay ! 1190 or decent offer. Collins, 49, Highlands Heath, Putney (near Tele4Lraph Inn)SANOTT SUPERCHARGER with carburetter and lubricating tank : crash gearbox for M ” j.”” P,” or” C.” Offers to Harues, 17, Swine news, weheyn Garden City, Herta. Tel.: Welw ell Garden 3724. (3055 MORGAN kilTRUSIASY must aell, fatally reiRtort.i. 1933 1,040-c.c. 0.11.v. TAP. Red Super Sports. Whole car beautiful condition. Recently resprayed. 41:15. 70, larwood Avenue, St. Albans. Tel. St. Albans 311. Ao.5e ITEALmrews.gts. (25 Gearbox, 25; Cylinder head complete with valves and rockers, (23-nt otters. Faringdon Engineering Co., Ltd., Faringdon, Berks. Tel. : Enringdmi 2150. [3657 LUCAS P.100 HEADLAMPS. imperfect, three for ,C5. Dunlop covers 2.3 by 3 beaded, brand new, two for C5. Two acetylene headlamps sad generator off veteran car, 011erY near Cfi, Sheppard. Vincent Avenue, Stratford-on-Avon. 73672 CYCLE WINGS steel /domed and beaded), 5 In., 6 in.. 7 In., 10s. fronts; 12s. 6d. rears. Carriage And gawking 2.s. 6d. paid, 13s. Oci. sets. W. G. Ferguson. Sfonelands Farm, HerAmoueeaux, Su.ssex. [3659 R-IFICJAKEN OILCOIL, I2v, perdect corldit on, C:3′. Kigit.s scree!’ washer complete, never fitted, ’25s. Crofts, 7, Peters6eld Court, Stratford Road, Bir mingham, 28. [3601 SPECIAL SERIES RILEY KESTREL 9 h.p. saloon. Twin S.U.s, Scintilla, etc. In very good order. Spare engine. (215. Ivens, North Owensby, Lincoln. Tel. : Owersby Moor 202. ” 2.3 ” AL-31-ROMEO. 13tetutifully proportioned droplumd coup6 by Castagna, etillulosed adfa red. Almost new Lyres. Recent complete engine rebuild iuchuled crankshaft reground, bores resleeved. new bearings, supercharger stripped, valves reground, Inetruments checked. C485. 6, Portobello Mews, W. 11. Tel. : Park 9050. 13664 SWIFT. 11)27 tourer. Original Imaywoik li)asy starter. A reliable vintage car. Price (50. Apply, 87, Penkett Road, Wallasey, Cheshire. Evenings 1934 B.S.A. THREE-WHEELER. Body parilT rebuilt 1050. Recently rewired, Tyres and hood neJtrly new. Very reliable car. 1110. Box No. 005, Maros SPORT, 15. City Road, [3667 MAGNA “F” CYLINDER HEAD, carnstuifta6f1 alloy cover, (5. M.G. tall tank, 15 gallons, I+. S-In. stoneguards, I25. pair. Talbot 18 h.p. preselector gearbox, (5. Magna sump, Cl.M-type exhaust tnanifold, 10s. Pitir lateax shockers, Magna six-branch exhoustankt manifold, enst (14, bargain, (6 ’10s. Magna camshaft, (2. 5, All-ester Road, Stratford-on-Avon. (4066 AUSTIN SEVEN SPECIAL. Registered 1948. Alta head, downdraught carburetter, banana manifold, rev-counter, straight-through silencer, new battery. four-speed box, remote gots level’, 5.625 to I axle. Lea., hydraulic shockers, modified brakes, good tyres 5.25 by 10 fears, light-alloy body, hood-, fold-flat screen, etc, Nearest 4165. 1938 Ford Ten, converted to light truck. Excellent mechanical condition, make excellent shooting brake. C150, Austin Seven chassis, engine, wheels, tyres, etc., (18. Another similar, small-crank engine, 413. Chummy body, CI. Ford Eight engine, gearbox. Reasonable offer. Ashriole. Winclhill Fields, Bishops Stortftted. (3669 1935 MINX ENGINE, s7 10s. Diesel starter motor 12v. C.A.V., new, 5,6. Surface plate 12 by la, 5Ce. Car heaters, 30s. Nlotorised pillar drill, Rood order, (25. Flo:tool ‘grinder (I5 complete. Bentley Speed Six instruction book on hem only to ItIO’ron SPORT readers. Nicholls, Church Wharf, London, W.4. Tel.; Chiswick 2327. 475. TWIN-UAM 14-LITRE SALMAGN, 12 p7.t complete less rear half of body. Knock-off wheels, Teleeontrolled shoekers, good tyres, dieresis about 1932. Fitted with 1936 engine. Make very fast sports job. Sell or exchange, cash adjustment. Seen by appointment. Nichgils, Church Wharf, London, W.4. : Chiswick 2827. (3670 AVWN SEVEN CHASSIS, choice of two. Morris bulimiie murer, taxed. nearest C55. Rolls, 1911 hoefaulette sound, nearest (95. Sheppard, 11, Vincent Avenue. Stratford-on-Avon. (3672 1984 M.G. MAGNA CHASSIS, less engine and front wheels, 16-in. mars. 120 or separate. Willirun, 74, St. Phillips Read, Norwich. (3871 fINGER “LB MANS “1) h.p. special sportsTi–eate7,” 1934/5. :Mechanically perfect. General condition good. Low !tile:age. (2’25 or nearest offer. Bulwer, Well Oaks, West Chiltingtoe, Sussex. Tel. : West Ch)/tine:ton 3122. (3873 puts •? 12/50,” ” 10.9 ” and” 19.8″ spofes. 1934 Speed 20 engine, overhauled, can be seen running, /75. All synchromesh gearbox, C,20. Rear axle eons’ plate 4.5 ratio, 42.5. Full instrument panel, £12. Set of rear Telecontrol shockers, con.plete, (8. P.100 spot lamp, perfect, (8. 16.0 chassis, leas engine, gearbox and radiator, C’25. Speed 20 head and carburetters, (15. Other spares. quotations by return. Carriage by arnangement. 1). Begshaw, The Green, Bath Street. Belgmve, Leicester. (3674 1983 “3” 55.0.12/4-seater. Extensively overhauled and refitted. Sell for 1.120 or exchange vintage coup6 [under 16 h.p.) Or tourer. 1Vaidon House. St. Andre-we, Fife. [3675 AVM SPEED so tourer, 1037. Magnificent thoroughbred. Beautifully kept. Special reason fiat Sale. (475. Slinger, 40, LorchiSmOd Aveaue, Maghull, Liverpool. E878 REUSE DI saloon, ‘sight-cylluder, 29-17f3, 15 m.p.g. Black, green line, cycle wiegs, six tyre!. Engine perfect, body almost. Maintained, driven by owner and good chauffeur. Sole reason for selling, impoverisiuneta. Potent car for enthusiast.Offers. over (1350. Pope, Burst Grange, 3 1921 RENAULT 14 O tourer. ntud little engine, 18–20 Matg, Body very good, side-summits done, hood poor, four fair and two new tyres. Nearest offer 450. Richardson, 21, Victoria Plaoe, Stirling. (3678 IOU ALV/S SPEED 20 4-seater tourer. Black. Excellent (-mention. Fast and reliable. Box No. 910, 5foroe Seater, 15, City Road, MCA. (3679 10-11-RAILT014 -2$ h.p. Fairtulte coup(, black. Four alinoSt new Firestone heavy-duty tyris with two excellent spares. Ekeo radio. Whole car in splendid condition. Dawkins, 161, Rua tell Road, Moseley, Bimtingliant [3680 LAGONDA SIMMER saloon, 1934. Excellent condition throughout. C225. Box NO. 906, Moroi( SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.L. (3021 PARKER SPMAL 500c.. Pormula IlL mina car. All-range tanks, with or without engine. Offers around £4011. Also Marshall blower, complete with new S.D. Suitable 2-litre, C40. non Parker, la, Sangora Road, S.W.1 I . Tel. : Battereea 7327. (3084 a rtAttLT liTVAIVRELLA 20. circa 1929. (13’0,11:14t registered 1930. In excellent general condition, original cellulose in grey, black and cream. C75, 90, Brighton Road, Bansteed. Tel. : Burgh f(eutlt 1520. uu-ep-L:en-r5–sTwtAL CHASSIS 193$ Morris Eight, (85. Owner selling owing to other commitments. Also Bentley starting handle 3/44, 41 10s-; starter motor for name, 18. one pair P.100, 615, Vottr new Rudge cared lock rings 42, M.G. Riley, etc., (2. Tel. : Elitxman 200.1. ;3086 GRAND MX MORGAN, eight-valve A net. es-dries, good tyres. (50, or exchange family eonV.`Vall VS—LAMBDA. 7TH BERMS, saloon. Genuine 54,000 miles. Mechanically, electrically, excellent. Good battery, tens (18 by 600). Interior original, unmarked. Wings, running-boards, etc., require attention. 14, Cumley Gardens, Wallington, Surrey. Tel. : Wallington 4696. [35A2 038 LANCIA AUGUSTA D.H.C. Rare and desirable motor, 1,196 c.c., o.h.v., V.1 engine, had (110 overhaul at Lancias recently. Uses no oil and gives sparkling performance with economy. Aluminium body good, wings rather rough, upholstery good, waterproof. draughtproof, headlining dirty. aLarchal lamps. Instruction books. Taxed year. Offers around (325. Cooke, Forest Vale Hotel, Pickering, Yorks. (3588 MOTOR SPORT.” Jan.-Dee.. 1950; also 22 copies Autosport. Offers : Attree, Coombe Farm, Tot ternhoe, Beds. (3589 IfT82 SUNBEAM TWENTY saloon, In bp-top condi tion. Just overhauled, clutch relined, repainted, nailated. new windscreen, etc. Must sell,50 or best offer. Also 21-ft. open motor boat, Thorny’ croft marine engine, in perfect condition, £200 or offer. Tel. : Brighton 2:5’770. (3590 UOOPER, perfect condition. Details from : Basil Tye, 96, London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent. (8591 “6k” BENTLEY FRAME MEMBERS for rebuilds, wheels, drums, springs, box, axles, tank, en;ine spares, bulkhead. Type REM Hispano-Suiza steenng, tank, bulkhead. Armstrong Twelve tank, wheels, tyres. FIAT 500 tyre, gearbox parts. Offers to Dale, 142, Chesterton Road, Cambridge. (3592 Str-NBEADI SPEED TWENTY engine and gearbox, 1953; good condition. (14 together—would separate. Aird, 11, Brookfield Road, Bedford. (3593 aNCIA APEILIA 1939 ( June), metallic grey and blue leather, maintained by West. Late type wheels, good tyres, and in excellent condition. Seen London. Offers over (550. Maypoles, Soberton, Hants. Tel.: Droxford 124. (37341 FRAZER-NASH-B.M.W., 1938, TYPE 00, 2-LITRE 3-carburetter 44reater D.11. cabriolet, £376. ” Blandford,” New Salts Farm Road, Shoreham, Sussex. Tel.; Shoreham (Sussex) 3818. (3584 11-WrI,Ey’ 3-LITRE. perfect condition. Past and reliable. Offers round £200. Box No. 903, ?dorm SPowr, 15, City Road. B.C.I. 13577 1927 RENAULT ” 9/17 ” ENGINE, gearbox, back axle, (10. FIAT 509A lamps, instruction book, spares wanted. Engert, Cornerways, Gentle& Cross. ‘tel.: Gerrards Cross 3788. 3504 LTaib-NDA TOURER, 15.7 h.p., 1933. Excellent condition, wonderful performance. Nearest £300. J. C. Sugden and Son (Engineers), Ltd., Crimbles Road, Lowtown, Puttsty, Yorks. (3595 )1O.’ Crackerized T-type,” ARX 718m 1938 fitted specially tuned 14-1itre engine, 1,704-c.c., and gearbox ; special 6.00 by 10 rear wheels and tyres, twin spares; hydraulic shockers ; six new tyres ; new hood and sidescreens ; carpets ; finished cream and black. One owner from new. This car has terrific performance , is 100 per cent, throughout, economical. Taxed. (89llr. I, Butler Road, Olton, Birmingham, 20. [3596 AOLAND AND TABOR LTD, offer the following guaranteed used cars : 1939 Hotchkiss ” Paris Nice” saloon, identical 1950 Monte Carlo winner. Speedo. 9,000 miles, as new. A truly magnificent road car, (1,050. 1938 Alvis “12/70” saloon In first-class condition throughout, (525. 1937 ‘ 4.3″ Alvis saloon, excellent condition, extremely fast, £875. 1938 Lagonda VI2 saloon. 100 per cent. throughout, (1,175. 1948 (November) Austin Sheerline, grey, beige bide, radio, heater, speedo 14,000 miles, immaculate, £1.675. We untelltlY require a number of immaculate used cars of all types. Tel. : Welwyn 481. Ism learnva Silver Mvie drophead coupe in excellent condition. Auy trial. Ward’s Service Garage, Ltd., St. John’s Road, ‘Tunbridge Wells. Tel. : Southborough 900/1. (3601 BEltMTF-3RIVEtaratrB member is now obliged to dispose of one of his Bentleys owing to lack of garage space. 1929 4j-litre 2-seater, in very sound condition. Offers around £450. At present lying c/o Complete car Service, Ltd., Vintage Car Specialists, Shruidon Road Garage (off Abbeville Road), Clapham Common, S.W.4. Tel. : Tube Mill 4605. (3802 LTA-ROMEO, 1.600-c.c. single-cam alt.e. tourer. Maintained by enthusiast, new hood and tonneau cover, resprayed black with silver wheels, tyres as new. £230, or would consider exchange with small saloon or drophend coupe. Cash adjustment. I,. Nathan, 25, Roseldll, Court Parade, Mordert. [3603 42 MM. 212100K-ON WHEELS—one pair reconditioned, with brand new 4.50 by 19 Dunlop and tubes, £16. One M.G.” PJ “steering wheel, (1. 27, Finlay Road, Gloucester. (3606 HEADSCARVES. The original, featuring lending British and Continental racing and sports car motifs In appropriate colours, 80s. Vintage selection. 85s. orders front 40s. Finest quality, post paid. Special orders Rich, Steelgreen, Mom, Cumberland. (3609 NAUGHTY EtFTHUSIABT who should have been more careful reluctantly offers for sale the following cars due to loss of licence and increase in family :— I. 1935 Speed Twenty Alvis 4-seater tourer. Recent engine overhaul and recellulose cream. Immaculate condition. (325. II. 1985 2-seater Alta. ReCellulosed green, and at moment sacrilegiously fitted new Ford 1,8 engine while the 1,100-c.c. blown Alta engine is undergoing rebuild including balancing of con.-rods, dynamic balancing of crankshaft, etc. £350. III. 1935 Wolseley Fourteen. A family saloon scrupulously maintained by only three owners since new. Guaranteed mileage only 58,000 miles. Recent £100 overhaul to engine and trans. mission. Just out from cellulose. (225. IV. 1932 London taxi. Austin ” 12.4 ” engine. In current use for shopping, pubbing, etc. (75. V. Special Riley Nine chassis. Incorporates many special parts such as ex-Dixon clutch plate, road springs, etc., Cost over £250 to build. Offered at (160. All above cars now undergoing servicing and available around mid-March. Replies to Box No. 891, Mcrroa SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (3605 ALVD9 Silver Crest four-door saloon, 10,8 h.p. I.F.S. Registered 1938. Fully reconditioned, immaculate condition. £500. Box No. 909, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.I. (3607 RILEY NINE. 1934 Lynx tourer. Special series engine, twin carburetter, Scintilla magneto. Carefully maintained by present owner since 1936. Excellent condition. Price (250. Kirkby, 15, Meadow Bank Avenue, Sheffield, 7. Tel. : Sheffield 21327 (business). 51495 (evenings). (3608 750-0.0. TWIN WATER-COOLED 1.A.P. EICIEVE, clutch, gearbox unit, excellent condition, (12 10s. 7.00 by 17 Fort Dunlop, 15 per cent. worn, (3. Rich, Steelgreets, MiUom, Cumberlaud. (3609 OFFERS? ” TC ” chassis with gearbox, facia panel, wheels, fitted with 5 ft. 3 in. copper exhaust. Owner was building special, now has new car. Also many other Singer and ” TC ” spares. Box No. 892, Moroi% Svoirr, 16, City Road, E.C.1. (3610 OTTER Speed Pilot 14 h.p. tourer, 1933. New hood, paint, wiring. Smart. fast. £185. Offers. 17, Ravenscroft Avenue, Middlesbrough. SINGER NINE, 1934, coupe sports. Numerous engine, chassis, and body spares, ifcluding steering, radiator, doors. Cheap. Enquiries Downes, $ Kenton Gardens, Harrow, Middlesex. 13612 AUSTIN NIPPY, 7/8/34. Good condition Utmugheut, smart. (176. Wanted, 4-seater Austin Ruby, Morris, 1035, open preferable, about (120. Farrow, 209, Oxford Road, Reading, ‘Berks. (3613 ftoRGAN ” 4/4 ” drophead coupe, 1950. Colour blue. Ait new, 8,000 meets only. Offers invited. Box No. 893, MoTOR SPORT. 15, City Road, E.C.1. (3614 MATHIS CLOVER LEAF 9 h.p., 1924, 18,000 miles only. Four new tyres and hood ; original log book. Only wants seeing. (75. 12, Pantie’ Road, N.W.6. Tel. : Hampstead 6034. [3695 STUTZ ENO/NE. clutch and gearbox. Very good condition and complete (27. Ford V8 Canadian engine, clutch and gearbox, light alloy heads, excellent condition, 132. Box 894, Merore Sewer 15, City Road, (i616 FIAT model 501, vrith clutch, gearbox and accessories like new, Centric supercharger with fittings and driving components, new, the lot /70. Box No. 895, MOTOR Seoler, 15, City Road. E.C.1. (3617 J.A.P. 75(1-cc, side-valve V-twin. Very condition, (20. Anzani 1,100-c.c, o.h.v. twin, eightvalveo model, ready for use, like new, (40. Both air-cooled. Box No. 898, Moroa Spoar, 16, City Road, E.C.1. (3618 REALM( March, 1948 B-Type. Special aluminium 2/4-stater, cellulosed blue, red leather ; new bat’ terms, new hood. Regularly serviced by Healey agents. Taxed December. Mileage 14,000. Owner requires saloon. £850. Bell, 163, Hills Road, Cambridge. (3619 12-V. CAR RADIO. l’ye. Perfect condition. C10. Lord Strathcarron, 22, Down Street, W.1. Tel. • Grosvenor 3041. (3626 CROWN WHEEL and pinion for 1,750-c.c. unblown Alfa. L7 10s. Lord Strathcarron, 22, Down Street, W.1. Tel. : Grosvenor 3041. (3621 3-LITRE RED LABEL BENTLEY ENGINE for sale, 8,000 miles since new bearings. Owner fitted 44-litre. Box No. 897, Moroe SPoar, 15, City Koad, E.C.1. [3622 LANCHESTER, 1930 eight-cylinder, 31-h.p. saloon, 27,000 miles, offered in guaranteed 100 per cent, condition at Easter by well-known Vintage Car Club owner. Seen Catnberley. Cost /2,400. Price (276, Including new rings (sole fault) and resprayed body. Owner, Tel. : Highclere 433. Box No. 898, Mor0a SpORT, 15, City Road, (3821 USEFUL ARTICLES. Vertex B.T.R. four-cylinder magneto for anti-clock rotation, new, £7. Bosch four-cylinder magneto (large), (3. Pair self-contained acetylene headkunps bullseye fronts, circa 1906, (5. Fair leather bucket seats, excellent, A gns. M.G. vertical dynamo, O.K., £35614 by 50 Michelin tyre (not retread), excellent, 858. Hand pump for fuel pressure tank and gauge, $0s. W. H. Barnes, 36a, Leigham Avenue, Streatham. (8424 249 10s. AUSTIN SEVEN tourer, clean inside and out, good hood and screens. Taxed. Any trial. W. Fl. Barnes, 36a, Leighton Avenue, Streatham. (3625 M.G. MIDGET, 1932. Rebored, new flg-ends, mains, steering, brakes, transmission, hood. Taxed year. £150. 10, Ridgeway, Hayes, Kent. Tel. : Ilurstway 1091. (3626 3.8. 90, 1935. New rear springs, S.U.s. good engine, chassis, battery, close-ratio box. Hand-imbued red/cream. £290, or preferably exchange 12-11.p. M.G. 2.saater (blown or unblown) or similar. Nauru. Corking Farm, Ash, Canterbury. Tel.; Ash 336. (3629 )3ENTLEY 44Sportsman’s fixed head coupe, 1929. Perfect order throughout. Tyres good. Any trial. Wortley, Dalf•Year, West Runton, Norfolk. Tel. : West Runton 40. (aoso LAgomm 4)-LITRE pillarless saloon, 1934. cellent mechanical order and bodywork recent overhaul ; Windtonct ; milvcred P.1009. /345. Part exchange considered. Box No. 899, MOTOR SPORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. e(36321. 2-LITRE LAGONDA 2-seater sports. Rba 1948. 110 tax. Excellent condition, good hood and tyres, new battery. Box No. 900, MOIVR SpORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (3633 Wrenn 44-LITRE, first registered 1937. Drophead coupd body by Ranclagh 1028 chassis. In good condition throughout. 1931 Talbot 76 2-seater sports ; an outstanding example in very original condition. Riley Nine engine, no carburetter, manifold or magneto. 10, Breakwater goad, Bade, Cornwall. Tel, : Rude 484. [3634 LANCIA DILAMEDA, 1930 model. One owner. In excellent original condition. Mulfiner saloon body. Seven nearly new tyres, instruction book. Price 1150. 48, Crown Street, Reading. Tel. : Reading 80175. [3636 COUPE ENTHUSIAST offers exceptional Hudson Kight. Elegance, comfort and performance equals any post-war car. Radio, heater, electric gear’ change and every accessory. Resprayed, new hood. Maintained by Hudson. Offers around 1550. Near Loudon. Box No. 902, Merrox SpORT, 15, City Road, E.C.1. (3038 DELAGE CHASSIS, 1927. Sleeved block. Martlet pistons, new cam followers, Oilcan, new Exide battery, new bearings, new timing chain, reconditioned North East Dynamotor. Only for sale due to having to have more Suitable car to take daughter about blinded by brain tumour operatioa. Price £130, about half cast of work done to chassis. The Old Granary. Great lImerSden. Cambridge. Tel. : Comberton 801. (3042 ALVIS SPEED 20, 1935. Green Charlesworth coachbuilt saloon, beautiful appearance, interior perfect. P.100s, Telecontrols, brakes relined, oil consumption nil, 20 m.p.g., well shod, only needs seeing, in N. London. Tel.: weekdays Tottenham 8321, weekends or evening Enfield 2182. (400. [3689 ALLARD 2-seater, 48 model. Registered 1047, mileage 10,000. Unused for one year. Colour maroon and grey, Last, attractive, in excellent condition with tonneau covers, etc. Also spare set new tyres. (850. Saloon part exchange or near offer considered. Tel. : Staines 3001. 13090 BENTLEY OWNERS. For 1932 44-litre long-chassis tourer, conehbuilt leather removable. roof and door window ektensions for converting tourer into saloon. Excellent condition. (20. Tel. : Staines 3001. (3600 SALE QUANTITY BENTLEY 8 and 61-litre engine spares, also Smith dynamo. Can anyone lend gen on “blower 44″? Thomas, 63, 1.ensfield Road, Cambridge. (8691 MERCEDES-BENZ, 1929. Superclmrgecl ” 88/250″ open 4-seater. Hood, sidescreens; hood cover and tonneau cover in good condition. (100 spent recently on completel rewiring, new battery, five new tyres, wheels re-spoked and balanced, new windscreen. £850. Martin, Office Tel. Wigan 3504., home, St. Annes-on-Sea 418. [3692 LATHE, (10. New U.S.A. three-jaw, (4. 12v. drill and grindstone, (3. 12v. drill, (2. Sensitive drill, (5. Slab tank, £4. Box No. 007, Moron Seim’, 15, City Road, E.C.I. 13693 COMPLETE ” P ” DASH, would separate. Crank, block, head, sump, rods, gearbox shell, all gears, etc., differential housing coniplete, dynamo, starter, bevel gears, oil pipes, etc. ; ” ” ciunahaft, gears, rockers, earburetters, etc. 104, Kingston Road, Wimbledon, S.W.19. Tel. : Liberty 8498 after 7 p.m. 13694 TALBOT 105 Speed model Airline four-door sun saloon, 1937. Maroon body, brown leather interior. Fitted twin Passlights, twin horns, bags of chrome. Extremely smart and fast air. Nearest (885. C. Weiswall, c/o 11.1..MS., 1, pilule Street, Manchester Square, London, W.1. Tel. : Wellmck 2487. SUNBEAM, 1931 Speed Twenty, 1935 engine, ir86D6v9odoor sun saloon, 20-in. wire wheels, dual Ignition. Taxed. (85. Turner, 41, Kenley Mud, Merton Park, S.W.19. Tel. : Liberty 4100 7-10 p.m. (3697 1985 CHEVROLET, 97 lip. drophead coup6. Suitable tow-car 500s, or caravan. Condition good. Offers (100. Write 25. St. Catherines, Lincoln. (3699 1984 RAILTON STRAIGHT EIGHT lightweight coachbuilt saloon by Berkeley. good condition. (;145. 18. Lea Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport. (3701 500:t.C. CAR ENT—RDSIASTS. Norton gearboxes complete with clutek, used but sound. Standard ratios. (14 each. 108, Wortnliolt Road, W.12. Tel. : Shephertis Bush 2998. [3705 THREE S.U. MATCHED ASSEMBLY for Alvis Silver Eagle, complete as ith manifolds and linkage. Excellent condition. (17 100. Wanted, single Solex, inlet and exhaust manifolds for above engine. Venning, Vicarage, Takeley, Bishops Stortford. (3702 280. SALMON 2-seater in full road trim. Runs well, very fast. ” 18/80″ M.G. drophead coupe, good order throughout, (110. Gahagan and Hall, Green Place, Wonersh, Surrey. Tel. : Brantley 2021. VINTAGE A.O. SIX, 2-LITRE, 4/5-seater tourer. 1928. Reconditioned 4,009 miles ago, plus new hood and screens. Excellent order throughout. Sell reasonably, or part-swop for family conveyance. Write : 14, Swinb