The wartime diaries of an RFC Officer
[Continued from the June issue] We left X, the RFC pilot who compiled these diaries, enjoying the Christmas of 1916, over which holiday period motoring was done in two Rolls-Royces, one of…
I hope I will not be thought to be trying to raise unnecessarily a question which has been discussed by far abler pens than mine, i.e., the problem of the impecunious enthusiast, a matter which seems as far from a solution as ever it was. It is my suggestion that the best thing that can be done in the present circumstances is for the concrete proposals or suggestions of as many impecunious enthusiasts to be published through the kind offices of MOTOR SPORT, which has shown that it has their interests at heart on numerous occasions during the last five trying years. Those letters for which there is not space for publication should be either carefully filed at the editorial offices or passed on to some enthusiast who would volunteer to act in the capacity of secretary. After a goodly number of proposals have been collected a meeting should be arranged with one topic only for discussion. Well, chaps, it’s up to us if we want some enjoyable dicing for all pockets, however small. I hope any persons connected with the Motor Trade will refrain from putting forward proposals that might influence decisions which might be to their own benefit and not to enthusiasts’.
Here are my proposals; let’s have yours —the more the better, and let’s have them soon. I should like to see a one-design monoposto chassis-cum-body monocoque, to use an aircraft expression, fabricated from plastic impregnated plywood with i.f.s., utilising rubber as a suspension medium and of extremely light weight, about 5 cwt. without wheels, a proprietary make of rear axle to be attached to the car to individual preference. A slightly modified monocoque would enable f.w.d. to be used if so desired. There will be a large surplus of suitable plywood and many firms conversant with fabrication of it, so that the cost of the article could be very low if there was a good demand, and if it was made available on H.P. should be within the reach of all. The design would embody full undershielding, and I suggest that if that part was covered with a very light gauge Of aluminium, the whole vehicle would have a long and trouble-free life and be very ‘durable. Engines to be limited to tin, blown s.v. Units, otherwise complete freedom of make. Two classes only to start with., up to 1,500 c.c., and 1,500— 3,000, c.c., the monopoSto .monocoque to be so designed that either size engine can be used. A very good power-toweight ratio should result, and would give plenty of scope for individual tuning, -driving, etc. Perhaps some enthusiast with present-day experience of design
and stressing of plywood aircraft structures would come forward and let us have the gen on the possibilities of such a `vehicle. As I see it, a weight of 10 cwt. or under without fuel and tyres should lie easily possible. Proprietary brake. assembly ought to be worked into the design. I am, Yours, etc.,
J. P. GnossCURTII.