Dayton's Coppa-bottomed success halts Kumschick run
American Duncan Dayton took the big prize during Monza's major historic event at the end of May. Racing his Williams FWO7C, Dayton won a cracking TGP contest to bring a…
Sports Car or G.P. Racing ?
Sir,—In: January’s letters from readers, one writer suggests to cut down the speed of the next G.P. race, ordinary fuels should be used, blowers should not be permitted and, standard cars should be used.
It is obvious that speeds will have to be reduced, and the suggestion to use standard fuels would be of great use, for not only would it make racing definitely cheaper for those concerned, but it would give the “Man in the Street” a good idea of the best petrols on the market. Why omit blowers, as these are just beginning to become standard fittings to sports cars, and the more the public know about them the better. But why, Oh Why use standard cars ! To the spectator the thrill of motor racing would be gone, instead of attending race meetings he would walk to any main road and be able to see several good. drivers handling cars at speeds he would see at race meetings.
. The lure of motor racing is, and always will be the sight of multicoloured cars racing at their limit round a good track. Good being in the sense that there will be plenty of bends and wide straights. Give the spectator the sight of two low built racing .cars, screaming along, leaving a cloud of dust behind them, and fighting all the time for the lead, and he will be satisfied, nothing else will please him. I am, yours, etc.,
” Barfistone,” Derby Avenue, Skegness, Lincs.