Spectators at Brooklands.
May I, an enthusiastic follower of the sport, express my great approval Of your remarks concerning the handicaps system at Brooklands ? To our Continental friends in the game this form of competition must savour very much of playing at racing, and to those of us who were fortunate enough to see the international meetings at Donington, handicap races at Brooklands will seem very poor stuff indeed. Furthermore, those of us who cannot afford more than the public enclosure,
do not appear to be getting as square a deal as we might. Take for example the International Trophy Race of 1934. After a 65 mile journey we have to pay to leave our cars some distance from the scene of activities, and when we do get in the enclosure all we can see is the cars about a quarter of a mile away, or occasional glimpses of a driver’s head through a dense crowd ; and this costs us at least a pound.
After all, it is the public’s money which supports the track and having paid to enter one should at least be able to see in comfort. Could we not have access to the railway straight and Byfleet sections of the track ? And if we must be confined to the Members Hill area, why not raised earthen banking, after the fashion of that seen in other sport arenas ? In closing may I disclaim any connection with Donington, save as an enthusiastic spectator, and as such, wish both tracks a very successful season. I am, yours, etc.,
RICHARD GRANT. The Friaries,