Vintage Postbag, December 1978
Carden Cyclecars Sir, My first car in 1920, was a Carden for which I paid £3. At that time there was a cycle builder at the top of Summer Row…
The Truth About These Accidents.
silt,—With regard to the editorial in your February issue, I should like to mention one more point which I think would be extremely helpful in reducing the number of road accidents. Concerning cyclists. My point is this :
Cyclists should not be allowed to ride more than two abreast, and in places where there is a white line should proceed in single file.
In my opinion cyclists take up far too much of the road and are the direct causes of at least 20% of the total number of accidents. They seem to care little for the comfort of other road users and seem reluctant to give way to the motorist who is usually moving considerably faster and should be given the right of way.
Legislation, as outlined in your editorial, would no doubt reduce the number of accidents, but I feel sure that all road users (pedestrians particularly) themselves could substantially reduce them merely by using a little more intelligence.
In conclusion, may I say that I have been a regular reader of MOTOR SPORT for the past five years, and the enjoyment I derive from it is unbounded. I am, yours, etc.,
RICHARD A. WINTY. Clarence House, Broomfield Road,
Kew Gardens, Surrey.