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g nufaclutor.v and J’aicnzees or CYCLE 6. MOTOR AOCESSORIES
urnollo Stanymq CI-at/Ione, Rd. TIRCHLUy B I RM INGHAM SIOUSIWILIA .• • • C.. PI VJZ=.7; mOTOA 1.000/45< Rat. A Pt?.otfl O %0,12 C.4/4•1[1, VOA C
L A.• 11,1•C/V,I. • -•■■ VI,. C. • — .e•■-o••_
August 1eGh._—__12L31.
Mesers.”Motor Sport” (1929) Ltd. 39, Viotorla Street. tortoon,s.s.i. Dear Mr.Vookolde„ Sith referenoo to our Initial Contreot with “Motor Sport”, whieh we have juet oompleted with your isoue of this month, DO doubt you will be interested to lase deteile of the reoulte Obtained We had to Plows two new sooessories, or a ePort’a type. on the Market er,6 in poneidering medic_we wore attraotod by the poseibilities of “Motor Sport”. is a result of the Contract we have juot oompleted, se hare formed the opinion that your Journal represente a really excellent media for setting into diroot oontaot with a very largo body of enthusiastic and sporting oar owners. Moreover the oirouletion would appear to have e very high Du.ohenitag power Wo shall shortly be introduOirg another a000ssory knO you will be pleased to bear that arranGements are betL de to pleoe a further Controot with “Motor Sport”. It is a vary real ploasure to advl*e you or 1.0.00 MOOG eatlefootory reoulto. and we tQlVo no uaubt that Our second Oontraot coil be equally satisfactory it every reopect
We are, yours faithfully, rl>LziaDSl,. tor FOR RATES APPLY ADVERTISEMENT MANAGER, MOTOR •SPORT (1929) LTD.,