Out of The Past, June 1986
Out Of The Past Some time ago we had something to say about early vintage motoring in Wales, in particular in remote Radnorshire, where cars were few and far between…
A new type of Rudge-Whitworth motor-cycle has just been placed upon the market. This is the Roadster, which costs i49 los. and is capable of 70 m.p.h. Until its introduction there were only three models, the Standard, the Silent Special and the Sports. The new machine comes mid-way between the Standard and the Special.
Whilst the Roadster is in many respects similar to the Standard, it is ro m.p.h. faster and has the saddle position and silencing arrangements of the Special.. The engine is, as usual, a 499 c.c. ” single ” with four over-head valves, and the well-known Rudge-Whitworth system of proportional coupled brakes is used. It is probable that the new machine is the cheapest 70 m.p.h. motor-cycle made.
It is interesting to note that the prices of the other Rudges have not been increased in common with those of the majority of British motor-cycles. This is due to the fact that the manufacturers, with the courage of their convictions, raised the prices of their new models before the Olympia Show. Incidentally, Rudgeshave had a remarkable number of competition successes recently, the latest being in the open Cotswold Cup Trial, wherein J. H. Amott won the premier award together with the Western Centre Trophy and the Clift Cup, and the Rudge team won the team prize.