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“Profiles” have changed in style since the original series, and somehow have lost a little of their unique attraction on the journey. The type is now smaller, the cars dealt with are more recent, and the format is directed at the American reader. Nevertheless, it is good that the idea has not died in spite of delay in releasing some of the promised titles.
There have now been sufficient “Cars in Profile” published to make up the second bound volume of them, called “Collection-2”, with a Foreword by Raymond Mays. This contains the reprinted Profiles about the Facel Vega, McLaren M8, 4.1/2-litre (vintage) Bentley, Matra MS80, Jaguar D-type and Rolls-Royce Phantom II, respectively by authors Sedgwick, Hodges, Berthon/Starner, Crombac, Appleton, and Oliver. The volume is published by Profile Publications Limited, Coburg House, Sheet Street, Windsor, Berks., for £4.00.
Michelin have published their latest Red Guide to France. This well-known publication lists 10,836 hotels and restaurants in 4,480 towns, and it also lists 358 places where 20-25 franc meals can be had and 3,284 which cater for meals below 15 francs. 7,911 garages and one-make agencies are also listed. It sells here for £2.20. Another useful Michelin publication is “1974 Michelin Paris and Environs”, priced at 50p.