Historic racing on a budget
How you can & why you should Club motor-racing is the future of automotive enjoyment and you need look no further than the nearest great road to have been blighted…
I was most interested to read Mr. Nigel Pratten’s letter concerning the joys of owning one of the late-model MG Midgets. Like Mr. Pratten, I own one of these cars, a September 1966 model, one of the last with the 1,098 c.c. engine, and I have had nothing but pleasure from it. True, insurance can be expensive, though my last premium of £78, for a 22-year-old, with clean licence and one year NCB is not too bad, speaking relatively of course!
My car has 56,000 on the clock, 14,000 of those being put on by myself in the 14 months’ period of my ownership. During this period, it has proved itself to be most reliable, and great fun to drive, though performance may not be in the Morgan Plus Eight class. I have never once been stranded, though a couple of worn water hoses (discovered the hard way, upon addition of anti-freeze) caused me to have to leave the car at my parents’ home in Leeds and rely on British (F)rail for a homeward journey. Most replacements have been of the usual items (tyres, exhausts, etc.) and all have given good service.
So I am a well-satisfied owner. The car is economical and reliable, and a treat to drive, especially with the top removed ( real air-conditioning!). The only problem is of a replacement when the time comes (suggestions and offers welcome), but until then I shall be happy to remain in the ranks of Merry Midget Owners.
Finally, my thanks to you for producing one of the few motoring monthlies worth reading. Long may your pages be graced with sensibly-written articles and forthright opinions echoing the thoughts of we enthusiasts.
Charles R. Barnett – Congleton.