The Brook's Super Sparker


Your correspondent Mr. N. Buxton would like to know about the Brook’s Super Sparker. He will be interested to know that this is the subject of British Patent (not Pattern!) No. 252,808 (not 252,608 as printed). This was applied for by Mr. J. A. Brook on March 10th, 1925, and the full title is “Improvements in or relating to devices for intensifying the spark and indicating the functioning of sparking plugs and magnetos for internal combustion engines.”

This should answer the main points of Mr. Buxton’s enquiry, but if he would like to know more he could obtain a copy of the Patent Specification which gives a full description with drawings, from the Sales Branch, Patent Office, Southampton Buildings, London, W.C.2, price 4s. 6d.

London, S.W.10. G. R. E. Arnot.