The Britannia Car
With reference to the Britannia Car and Colchester on 174 of your March issue. I was born in Colchester in 1900 and here are my recollections :
(1) The name of the proprietor was Nicholson.
(2) The works were in Culver Street, which in those days was a narrow street lying south and parallel to the High Street.
(3) The car was an open 4-seater.
(4) The radiator was ciircular and I think made of copper.
PLG Renny (Major). Lower Beeding.
There is a well-kept 1935/6 Ford truck (type BB?) still in use at Keston. In a police headquarters in one of the shires we unexpectedly encountered two of Fennel’s colour motor cartoons and a 1906 Dietrich et Cie painting by A Bernard of Liege, framed, on the walls! A reader sends a cutting from The Studio of 1905 containing an illustration of a fine silver trophy of a racing car, the Henri Edmond Trophy, which was the work of Gustav Gurschner of Vienna, who seems to have specialised in such trophies, as well as being famous for his beautiful bronzes, lamps and plastic art.
Stanley Sears Trophy Meeting, historic racing-car race, Snetterton, (May 6th)
This was won by Syd Day, whose ERA averaged 81.87 mph to win from BE Brown’s ERA and Waller’s ERA. Day lapped at 85.73 mph. The Vintage section was won by Ashley’s 1930 Fraser Nash, at 74.19 mph.