Presidential Support
Along with most prestige manufacturers, Porsche has found the going tough of late. Here Arno Bohn, president since March 1990, expresses optimism for the future, in the face of scepticism…
to taw.” Club Members;
OVERALL SUIT (No. 207). Made in a really fine quality serge-finished drill of a specially heavy texture ; the material will keep its fine surface through all ordinary cleaning and washing, and we send out a Guarantee to this effect with each suit. Zip fastening front, legs and cuffs, while the back is made with an inverted pleat and saddle shoulders for ease of movement. Capacious side, patch breast and shin pockets ; turn-down collar ; shoulder epaulettes, and all buttons are detachable. Can be supplied in WHITE, navy and black 30-.
With buckle and strap to ankles and cuffs, stand collar. In white, black and navy 25/..
In a lighter weight material of cheaper quality. In white only 17/6.
OVERALL SUIT (No. 208). In the famous GRENFEI,I, material, absolutely wind and waterproof 65/.
MECHANIC’S WHITE OVERALLS 12/6, blue or brown, from 8/6.
” MOTORAI,I,S ” OVEltAI,LS, in blue or brown, belt all round waist III..
WHITE RACING TROUSERS made to order if not in stock.
(No. 206R). MOTORING HELMET with elastic neck goggle strap, etc., lined chamois. In black or tan leather 15/-. In white, blue, green and red leather, 17/6. In white linen, self lined 5/.. In GRENPELI, waterproof material, all colours, silk finish 10/..
(No. 234). RACING GOGGLES, fitted with adjustable nose-piece, TRIPLEX safety-glass lenses, ventilated eyepieces, and flat sponge rubber cushions. With adjustable spring-lead:0r head-band 24/-.
(No. 209). PEAR-SHAPED GOGGLES, fitted TRIPLEX lenses, cotton fabric and elastic head band 7/6.
(No. 210). Lightweight frames, silk fabric, TRIPLEX lenses, spring-leather head-band 251-. The above can be supplied with round sponge rubber pads, or chenille rims.
CAR RACING CRASH HELMET (No. 521). In white (covered in any colour leathers to order). Sponge-rubber lined, and fitted with goggle strap and fixed peak. Guaranteed the strongest and finest made. All sizes 42/..
(No. 252). The same internal construction and details as No. 251, but fabric covered. We stock white, but supply any colour to order. In all sizes 32/6.